
The look on that cat’s face: “Oh, hey! Don’t mind me, just fueling the next generation of kettees!”

The roasts of Ann are so, so good. I know why she’s there, and it’s just so those jokes can be made XD

I like you, Doc! I like you, I like your headlines, and I think you’re a swell writer! Stick around, old chap! We can always use a Doc on the squad! ^_^

Cruz’s Mom is the best. Her face during that whole thing with Cruz was the absolute best.

The last time I flew I was sitting between a lady who was obese, and another lady who was *morbidly* obese. The obese woman was large, and her thighs skirted the edges of my seat, going over the gap between the armrest, which I’ve experienced from sitting next to obese people on flights before, so I dealt with it.

This comment has nothing to do with the Olympics, just to forewarn you.
You say you don’t want to plug your laptop into the TV because you’ll unplug your HDMI cables, but does your TV had a VGA port in the back? You could always plug that into your laptop.
We do that at my house, and it’s great.

What a good point you make!
Blind obedience to outdated modes of thinking, and using an entire demographic of people to avoid dealing with the repercussions of that blind obedience is clearly the correct choice here.

It’s hard to tell who is at fault here, Hayden Christiansan, or George Lucas. A lot of people say that bad acting is all the actor’s fault, but it’s also a product of bad directing, and bad writing.
It’s probably a combo of all three.
These movies had such potential. As far as prequels go, the world was so rich and

That Spock. That Spock wins. He wins so hard XD

This looks so much better than the new star-vehicle shitshow Disney is trying to shove down our throats.
Even better that it’s in French, since that is the tale’s original language.

He doesn’t look like I expected he would look.
Also, they’re going to have to shave him a lot closer; I’ve never seen Superman with a 5 o’clock shadow. :p

It’s especially terrible because of how great the first season of Lost was. So much potential for that show. </3

I love ‘Unbreakable’. It’s one of the few Shamalamadingdong movies that’s worth rewatching.

Whoever gets named ‘Squirtle’, may god have mercy on their soul.

I haven’t played ‘Life is Strange’ (yes, I’m a heathen, I know), but I first thought that thumbnail at the top was some sort of cosplay real-life shot.

Games look awesome now. What a time to be alive.

I thought it sucked because the premise was stupid and the portrayal of two beloved characters was so completely off the mark as to be insulting.
Though, this makes sense too.

Ugh. I hope I’m not alone in wanting this to negatively affect his career.
At its best, this is a misguided Leto trying to be as controversial as he can to get attention, at its worst this is someone using their circumstances to be an absolutely terrible shithead to others because they think they can get away with it.

“trilby hat-tip and courtly creep-bro greeting.”

It genuinely makes me sad whenever I hear people refer to the “m’lady” greeting as being creepy, or some sort of sign that the guy is a predator in waiting.

I’ve had a lot of male friends over the years who both wear trilby hats and say “m’lady”, and they are

It sounds stupid now, but I never actually considered how big his cawck must have been.
Dude. Just..fuck. Dude. @_@

It’s not just fanboys. I’m a straight female and I’m not ashamed at all to say that Margot Robbie’s Harley is a huge reason I’m going to see the movie.
She looks to be a big part of the film, and her portrayal thus far has looked to be incredibly fun and amusing.
If her character is any indication, it actually gives