
He gets called out for belittling the main female’s integrity as a superhero, and then goes on to call someone in the audience a ‘pussy’.
He’s supposed to be a professional. He fucked up.

By the end of book 5 she definitely is exhibiting some changes, though they all seemed to occur with her travels with Littlefinger. She makes a small jump in relative maturity then.
The books aren’t operating on the same timeframe as the show (where they’ve had to correspond each season to a full year passing,

“...she was, a word that Shadow had never had cause to use until now, was curvaceous.”
Try again.


The Cascadia Subduction Zone and the big quake it will experience in the next century or so is pretty scary. Last time I was in Oregon I heard that it’s estimated Portland would shift 50 feet westward when “the big one” hits.
That makes our little San Andreas quakes in So Cal look weak, which, having lived through the

Everything dangerous is exhilarating when viewed through a computer screen.
Just make sure you don’t die, and it should be fine. *tips hat*

Not to mention that most natural fabrics autoignite at anywhere from 500-1000 degrees Fahrenheit. While not all of his clothing would be burning, most of it would at the very least be smoking.

What happened to the Indigenous Cultures of North America is unforgivably terrible, especially because of how those cultures never recovered. Native American ‘reservations’ in the US exist without proper medical care, proper education, proper utilities, infrastructure, economic growth, etc.
And no one cares, because

You said this earlier,: “I know this, because I’m also white and run into idiots like you far more than I’d like.”

You better be jewish, or you just appropriated part of my culture for your own benefit, without asking permission.

I was pretty shocked they didn’t go with an Egyptian skin for her; a Cleo skin would be rad as fuck!

Holy fuck, a Quetzalcoatl skin for Reaper...FUUUUUUUU-

I wish I could star this a thousand times XD

I’ve heard from various people who didn’t play WoW that they were confused by the random references to places and that they felt the entire first half of the film was nothing but exposition...but I didn’t care.
I was too busy fapping to murlocks <3

So I guess the plot of the film is ‘Tom Cruise fucks a chick in a halloween Mummy costume?
I don’t know why I’m surprised at this shit anymore.

“Also, apparently Arya did learn magic face-changing at the Magic Assassin Face-Changing School!”

We already saw her change faces last season, when she stole a face to kill Meryn Trant. Nothing new here.

People expressing confusion over where she got the face...where else was the Waif’s face supposed to go, if she

I’ve heard so many people who have open offices complain about how loud it is, and how hard it is to focus with people constantly talking to them. It’s funny how companies still think the open office thing is a good idea.

I want to say that Jon’s ridiculous ability to somehow not get hit with a single arrow, a single charging horse, and to not be helplessly crushed when being trampled by a crowd of panicked wildlings, was not horribly distracting, but it was.
The plot armor they instilled him with during this episode was almost as

This is stupid. Link’s not female because Link is a dude.

I’m trying to ignore that the taskbar transparency picture says “Personalisation”.
I’m trying and failing. @_@