
I have a lot of them, but here are some random weird ones.

I have a lot of them, but here are some random weird ones.

*secret* I did not really see Rick Wakeman. I just -musically geeky- thought, you know, he is Rush to the 1000, 0000 degree. You can see EXACTLY where Spinal tap came up with half their material if you tube it. (Glad I gave your husband a laugh...it is kind of an obscurey reference, I guess? )

WHOO HOO....D.C. in the 80s'. Did you also wish you had lots of money to buy ALL of the neon crap at Commander Salamander? ( I was such a high school nerd wannabe)

YOU will be first on the list, said the Lady of Shalott.

I am not sure about that. One of my biggest pet peeves is being out in public (especially the damn grocery store) and having someone bash into me and then NEVER APOLOGIZE. Yes, I am the person who shoots death rays and freezes your nether regions with my " Excuse! Me!"

Now you are scaring me. I got dance floor tickets to Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings. Tell me I will be okay.

So if I have seen Rick Wakeman and the Court of King Arthur than I actually will OWN gawker?

My best concert experience was walking around Shoreline to see the Dead when a man started flirting with me and asked me if I wouldn't rather see the band from backstage. I was 19. I was backstage. I thought I had arrived in the world.

Oh god. Thank you. I have not been to the 9:30 since high school in the 80's and I love knowing it has not changed a bit! We all just had bigger hair and more make-up but the same jaded bored expressions no matter WHO was playing. (Even your favorite band...or maybe EVEN ESPECIALLY your favorite band)

Mine is diagnosed narcissistic. What is it with these men and why the hell did we pick them. I was too damn young when I got married, that was part of my problem.

And I bet that you and your dad have a really lovely respectful relationship now.....Exactly my point that my husband is going to be shocked-!- that his son thinks he is a total asshole later in life.

I dont want to live in a world where the cookie monster and the count aren't real!

oh, man, I am going to create exciting package tours for both here and England/Ireland! Live in a real-life tenement! In winter! You will be barefoot, hungry and cold. But don't worry! You will get to FIGHT to go through the rubbish bins of the wealthy, and beg on the street in your rags! (Time to break out that

oh, hell, no. He does not see it that way AT all. Luckily his grandparents are a modicum better. Not much, but a little. And it was really hard to answer my sons questions when he was young. "Why don't we have a live in housekeeper, mommy?" "Why don't we ever go on trips and stay in hotels?" "Why are all our clothes

Oh, honey. I put the question back to you. You seem like the hero. I get nowhere near what I should, but I get more then 2$. I can't believe you can't fight this with a public defender or something. I can tell you one thing I have HAD to do. Forgive him and try not to hate. NOT FOR HIM, but for me. I just dont want to

Well, no. We were married for nine years, and he left when I got pregnant. SO he recognizes him. He just does not pay what he should.

OMG. World Cup Soccer? We married the same man. Mine will have nothing to do with this show, and I HATE having to watch it alone and I lurve it so...

Thanks. I have just never been able to wrap my brain around someone NOT wanting to pay for their child. Can you really be so greedy that you want your child to want for things?

Oh, I have an even better one. My ex lives off his trust fund, always has, barely works. Guess what CAN'T be touched for child support? Yup. Trust funds. He gets to live a million dollar lifestyle and see his kid two weekends a month, and I get child support based on the 12,000 he "made" last year. To cover basically