Not to mention the fact that Fiji is not India, or even part of India, or anywhere NEAR India, so the Indian family going to their “home country of the Fiji Islands” is just a really dumb detail to put in there.
Not to mention the fact that Fiji is not India, or even part of India, or anywhere NEAR India, so the Indian family going to their “home country of the Fiji Islands” is just a really dumb detail to put in there.
My favorite narrative element of this great and true story was how you book-ended your praise of this woman for being interested in your HEART and MIND with a detailed description of her body. Presumably you were fascinated by the HEART and MIND of her “nice boobs on the larger side”.
I said the same thing. FAKE AF.
I finally feel validated. I’ve never understood the appeal.
Totally called it last Friday when I saw her in that coat.
He’s not attractive, and I’d go so far as to say he’s remarkably UNattractive.
I had forgotten Meghan was a fair bit older than Harry, 3 years. Get it, grrl.
But yeah, I guess at 37, gotta get that baby making going.
When I read that I honestly thought she meant Cooper’s dad was one of those weirdos that saves their own pee and was all WHAT? Then realized she just meant he grew pecans.
Have you seen 21 Jump Street? The man is hilarious.
For me, all of his appeal is in his dancing. He plays the typical “bro” role, and is entertaining enough, but take away the dance moves and toned physique and he kind of looks like any other schmo you’d run into at the local bar on a Friday night.
Bloggers Tom & Lorenzo christened Channing “Charming Potato” and it’s all I see when I look at him. I don’t get the appeal, other than his dance skills.
I like that you said “both sides” as if there were only two ways to say that cursed word. I lived in the South long enough to know that there are at least three ways (PEE-can, peh-KHAN, peh-CAN, etc), and none are correct and everyone’s cousin will fight you over this at Thanksgiving.
For me personally, a couple of dealbreakers would certainly have been how he repeatedly thanks her after they fuck and never shuts up about fucking her and also when he told an interviewer that he thinks about his father burning to death in the WTC when he is trying not to cum too fast. But maybe that’s just me!
I saw that coat and I KNEW IT. I know they’re ridiculously rich celebrities and I have no real interaction with them and I don’t CARE, I’m very happy for them. I think Harry has wanted kids for a long time. (Whether that will translate into being a great father is, of course, up for discussion.)
Doy, she's not the Duchess of Susabstinence.
I imagine she’ll come out with something like, “Meghan said when she was a teen that she wanted me to be godmother to her children someday and now she’s going back on her word because she thinks she’s better than me and everyone else”.