
You know, there actually aren’t all that many upsides to being abused as a child by my mother and step-father, and when asked if it wasn’t a blessing in disguise (which . . . yes, I have been asked that), I usually go with a quote by Voltaire: “Great remedies may be made from poison, but it is not upon poison which we

“Look, maybe there was no collusion with a foreign power, maybe there was collusion by several members of the campaign but the guy running the organization certainly never knew, maybe it was a long time ago, maybe we have an illegally-installed administration, maybe that administration is woefully inept and corrupt,

“I would never ever condone, or justify anything that he’s been accused of doing,” she says. “But locking him up in jail...it’s not the answer...he’s sick.”

Interactions like these always carry me to some deep lows.

 Thoughts and prayers. 

his current girlfriend is 18. They met when she was 15 (how that happens is a mystery). Pretty much right after she turned 18 they went public.

Except for the small detail that it isn’t a lame crutch.

My mind just breaks in half that anyone would be criticizing her.  Like, it just crashes like a overloaded computer.

I’m hoping this fucks up Lady Gaga’s chances at an Oscar this year, seeing as how she not only collaborated on a song with him a couple of years ago, but also made a video with him and Terry Richardson that was so fucking creepy her own people were like “honey no we cannot put this out there”, AND THEN had the

This article already alludes to this fact, but many victims of sex trafficking have difficult pasts that may include an arrest. That’s part of what makes them vulnerable targets. There is overwhelming evidence that R Kelly has exploited vulnerable young women in terrible, illegal ways. That he would attack some of his

Here’s what the Democrats should say:

A symphony of lies! An opera buffa of balderdash! An oratorio of oratory flapdoodle! A requiem mass of mendacium! A concerto of contrivance! A sonata of subterfuge!  

If you weren’t intentionally being such an insufferable prick, we might be able to have an actual discussion. Instead, it’s been buried beneath the weight of a “kiddo” (-50 charisma) and a “;)“ (-50 intelligence).

I believe the children are our future.

Yep. I just adore the hate she gets from the right. It’s the Streisand Effect, through an amplifier. Mark my words: if she has any legislative success, the GOP will turn her into a bigger bogeyman than Obama or Hillary ever were. She is their antichrist just by her existence.

OUTRAGED by politicians who use offensive language and terms that aren’t politically correct” - says a bunch of disingenuous asshole motherfuckers who celebrate the mob boss they elevated for plain speaking and his locker room talk. They can suck two dicks.

They didn’t even care when Trump said he grabs women by the “pussy.” Their pearl clutching means nothing. 

Two migrant children died in custody and they don’t care. Someone is vulgar and mean towards Trump and it’s the apocalypse.

Yeah, the people who say “But you should court these 45 supporters! Civility! Include them! They have rights!”