
They can both fall off a cliff.

I have a sixth grader.  It’s horrible.  😳😳😳

He needs to be in prison. These women deserve justice.

It just blows my mind that it’s taken this long, I really am at a loss.  

It constantly amazes me just how much of a piece of shit he is.

Just drink as much vodka as you can and still be able to put the turkey in before you pass out again, you’ll be fine.

I made a little girl scream!  The highest of praises.

They know why it’s wrong, they just think the rules shouldn’t apply to them.

I’m pretty sure that whatever corporation invented pumpkin spice is just Evil.  That stuff is vile.

“Organization members say that Davis’s statement could cause people to have heightened emotions and possibly lead to danger in the streets.“

Reading your articles is always a highlight of my day.  You’re right on every count.

I’ve been married for almost 18 years, but sometimes I’m still just as clueless as I was when I signed those papers. Good luck, you’ll be fine!  

Yeah, back when I was teaching pre-k, people like that would often try to hire me as their nanny because “it’s hard to find someone who speaks without an accent” I’m sure you can figure out what they actually meant.

Look at this bastard, it would be shocking if it wasn’t so typical. Like being on varsity means you won’t rape?  This woman was sexually assaulted and he’s worried about his reputation.  So gross.  

People like that always have to be the center of attention. This is NOT about you, BECKY.  

Me too, tbh.

Fox News is trash. (And the sky is blue, I know... but still.)

That first letter made me want to bang my head against the wall.  Jesus Christ.  

PETA needs to mind their own business.  So tacky and rude.  

that was a dick move.  Their behavior wreaked of entitlement and privilege. That would piss me off all day long.