
Every day I grow closer to being a conspiracy theorist. 

Wait, can you clarify if you are defending organized religion? Please say yes, so we can respond with all of the horrific things organized religion has brought upon mankind in history.

You mean easily confirmable data such as the distance to LBV 1806-20 for example?

Remember the way he was grinning all afternoon before the rally? He had it all planned out, and he couldn't wait to unveil it. He even gave it away in tweets that day, mentioning he'd be talking about the squad at the rally. It's his campaign's Phase II strategy.

Hey, “chump forever”, you could never be like me, I am much smarter than you and you are a disgusting, racist troll.

True story - every day when I wake up and put on a pot of coffee I immediately click on a news channel to see whether he has dropped dead yet... or had a heart attack... or has been picked off by a sniper.

Motherfucking, treasonous, fat-ass calling someone foul mouthed.

I think Omar’s warm and wonderful welcome home from her constituents at the airport is the real story. It’s the thing that triggered his newest complaint, anyway; notice him jeering at her crowd size? He’s pissed that she won her election by a landslide & her people love her, while he couldn’t win a plurality &

Comfort yourself with this: It’s going to get even worse for him. He is really starting to lose any semblance of the ‘grip’ he thought he had before.The man is legit in panic/paranoia mode.I’m getting immense satisfaction watching him get more and more desperate. He’s going to be the agent of his own demise. He’s

No teenagers yet, but can confirm, my 12 year old is a smug sarcastic little shit who remembers everything I say so he can throw it back in my face and laugh (at his own peril). 

This sizzling hot take brought to you by someone who’s never had a smug little teenage shit disrespect him in his own home. I’ve banned one of my son’s friends from my house for a year for lying to my face about washing his hands after he used the bathroom (I can hear the bathroom sink from the kitchen you little

Bless your heart.

Blasphemy! The “Neverending Story” duet was not only one of the most charming and entertaining scenes of the season, it was one of the most crucial to putting across the central theme of the season: the idea that in the face of oppressive pressure to stagnate and conform, it is actually good and valuable for people to

Now playing

To be fair, this is the original Slap heard around the world:

Go fuck yourself.

I hope the judge looks in him in the eyes and says “where was the mercy for Heather Heyer?” before handing him the maximum penalty.

I’m not particularly a “scholar” of WW II, but I did minor in history with a concentration in the European theater of that war—and I lived in Germany for five years (had the opportunity to visit Auschwitz, as well).

Based on that education and those experiences, I can only say the following:

Americans tend to conflate

That razor-thin, mediocre electoral college win is everything to him.

I was trying to write something of length to describe why this is such a bad-faith argument from the GOP, and why this kid’s viewpoints are deeply troubled.