
The White House doesn’t have to be cooperative. Their uncooperation will be damning, but that really isn’t a problem, because the president is a poorly trained animal. Can you remember the last time he didn’t retaliate or respond in some way to being baited? He is incapable of shutting up, and that will be his

You’re actually a bigger asshole for publishing this than Trump was for saying it. You’re completely missing the point of people’s anger over the issue. It seems you wrote this just to be a contrarian dickhead.

Happy Boxing Day.

All I want for Christmas is an Ivanka perp walk ...

“I knew what I was doing was wrong,” a mopey-sounding Cohen admitted, adding: “I stood up before the world and I accepted the responsibility for my actions.”

The ridiculous part about Epstein is that, whenever someone brings him and Trump up, some Trump-supporting chudfuck has to turn it around and remind people that Bill Clinton was also an acquaintance/friend.

They know the hammer’s coming down soon.  Who wants to be “Individual 1's” chief of staff?

I do not understand why we need to worry about Hart’s redemption, or Louis CK, or Al Franken, or Matt Laurer or any other recent asshat.

I’m pleasantly indifferent to it. It’s lumpy, unnecessary, and has a bad third act, but a lot of the jokes a good, the chemistry is great, and as much as I love the original, it’s not such a sacred thing that it’s defiled by a reboot. And besides, it’s one of my daughter’s favorite movies, and one kid getting excited

I just stole this from the twitter thread:

*deep breath*

Sylvia, if that wasn’t just a full-on troll, you’re a grammatically incorrect dumbass.

When I was in sixth grade, I was singled out by the kids in my class for bullying, on the grounds that I wore Reebok sneakers matched with Nike socks. It stopped when one of the kids reached down to try and pull up my pants and see what my socks looked like, only for me to try and kick him in the face.

Conservatives have this bizarre fascination with thinking that people can’t be poor because they have something that’s nice. People on welfare can’t really be poor if they have cell phones or refrigerators. That kind of shit. Like, maybe she bought it a long time ago? Maybe someone gave it to her? Maybe she just takes

I just can’t agree. Crenshaw is a politician with a white supremacist, misogynist, nationalist background who has been elected to represent the people of his state. Davidson is a goddamned comedian who represents nobody but himself and in an extended sense his employer (who is also not a politician).

Frankly, I think he’s full of shit. Of course he’s had a bagel.

I have numerous friends who are tired of being called racist

Just In All Sincerity FUCK YOU.

Separating children from their families, putting them in prison, and then causing emotional damage to them that will last a lifetime after months in a controlled environment that they can’t contextualize or explain, with several recorded molestations: Okay.

Wow, a Republican has a tantrum and completely stops doing his job when he doesn’t get his way? Where have I seen that before...

“We will, however, never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job