
You make it seem like jokes on this website of all places is going to hamper the “resistance”.

Trump Administration

And he’s a duck and his bill ends up on the back of his head.

Replace air conditioner with grand piano. And he opens his mouth to show piano keys instead of teeth!

Folks we gotta get those bibles out of the hotel rooms. I can’t maintain my constant witchcraft induced priapism needed for my all night homo scoutmaster orgies with the Word of God rebuking me from the nightstand. 

“Thug Siri.”

Pretty bog standard mania, I’ve a close relative who is bipolar and when their mania peaks they tend to get super into religion and they get really sectarian.

Hey, for all the shit she took for being (as it turns out) absolutely right about the Catholic Church, I’m willing to give her a pass if she feels a little cranky towards society in general.

You are incorrect. There is extensive precedent, set first by Bruce Springsteen. And since these rallies do contribute to raising campaign funds, that profiteering bit is arguable. But artists do have a right to fight against their music being used for political purposes not aligned with their own.

I had to do this yesterday, except it was she wasn’t looking and backed out her driveway into my rental car.

The U.S. admits more immigrants annually than every other country on the face of the planet, combined.


Biturbowagon’s just doin’ some puns, Squamate.

These must have been truly grave issues, for these popes to not allow it to expire. Instead, they kept digging into the past, thus soiling their reputations. It shows the fundamental rot at the head of the church.

Yeah,  I suspect that the training will just make them double down and create a victim narrative for themselves.

“We are better than this” No, America you are not. Take a look in the mirror.

Now I can’t vouch for some of our writers like Monique Judge. After all, she called me a “country-as-fuck.” Then again, she likes the Oxford comma.

I usually love your posts, and have never felt I had anything of value to add to the conversation, but I feel I must address this one.

Bring some class to The Root by removing the curse words and educating African Americans with creative and non-offensive words from the dictionary.

You’re given two right-wing terrorist incidents in a week