
Counterpoint: only people who have sticks up their asses age-police Halloween.

have some cheese with that whine.

Witch costumes piss off wiccans. Pirate costumes piss off amputees. ALF costumes probably piss off Jeff Sessions (that’s his blackface).

I feel like you should just save this post, and republish it every couple of years when white americans “once again” discover white supremacy.

Voting for Trump was a hate crime.

I am not responding to a eulogy at a private ceremony or some article in some small Pittsburgh-based periodical. This is a piece in The Washington Post. An opinion piece premised on a lie, with multiple lies in its text and a lying-ass title. And these are the sorts of Pollyanna-ish lies that literally endanger

So after absolutely years and YEARS of clear-cut evidence that Gab is a great hive of scum and villainy, Paypal finds a small dusty moral backbone tossed away in a corner somewhere and closes down the account? Wow, why now, motherfuckers? *rolleyes*

I knew, KNEW that Dubya Bush was lying about WMDs the second he started talking about them, Bill Clinton was full of shit about Three Strikes and Reagan was a motherfucker when he started up about welfare queens.

The “missing” is not an accident. That’s a deliberate derailment intended to drag the discussion away from the fact that what she did was flat-out racist.

I take the mailbag seriously. It is never among the most-read items on The Root...

You made a mistake, the article did state he was a registered republican. So he’s definitely connected to a supremacist group.

A few weeks ago I went to see Jimmy Carter teach his Sunday school class. The lesson was about how we can be better to neighbors that are less fortunate. He did the Socratic thing and asked the audience some things they could do. People said things like visit with them and take them dinner and take them to doctors

We all knew it was gonna be Florida, right?

1. I love Napoleon Dynamite. Yes, I am real. I am also real black. Just different.

I have a hypothesis: No one—no onein 2018 isn’t aware that blackface is fucking repugnant. The only people who do it are those who want to start a disingenuous argument about how it shouldn’t be considered racist, how they aren’t really racist, how you’re the real racist, what-bullshit-ever. So if they do it, let

I’m white and I felt uncomfortable and mortified when I did a charcoal mask in my own home, by myself. This shit blows my mind. 

Ya know, I think I get why wypipo keep wearing blackface. It ties back to another idea about why wypipo do stupid things that can easily get themselves killed. Its the rush, Their privileged lives are so easy and bland, like their unseasoned chicken, that they have to invent ways to get a rush. Minstrel Meg here was

They probably rate high in traditional intelligence but are lacking significantly in intuition. They can take all the bikram yoga, transcendental meditation, and blue-eyed buddhism retreats that they want but they can’t learn how to look inward and reflect in a way that isn’t ultimately self-serving.

I am growing tired of explaining to my white colleagues why blackface or brown face or any face is wrong.