
I wouldn’t call it courtship. I’m not sure that there is a word for the sort of predatory behavior on display here. But your analogy to rape is on point.

in the face of the 0.1% stealing ALL the money and taking away every damn thing from everyone, these particularly incurious white folk are happy to exercise their petty power over whomever they think they can get over on. and then time and time again, reality sets in and they are rightfully fired from their jobs. and

I didn’t read the article only the title, but from that I can glean its central argument. If there is any case that proves it it would be this one. She is so scared that she blocks him at the door and then proceeds to ask where he lives and the FOLLOWS HIM INTO THE CONFINED SPACE OF AN ELEVATOR and up to the place

White people love thinking of themselves as individuals, not as members of a racial group. They absolutely despise being lumped in with the rest of their people.

Can’t remember where I saw the quote, but that passage made me think of this:  White women use the advantage of being white to make up for the disadvantage of being women.

Have you seen Trump’s mouth?  I think it’s clear what pork anus has to do with this.  

Why rob a diamond mine when you’re already a world class gold digger?

I don’t think you know what a double negative is:

Let me help. Here’s where Corey Lewis went wrong. He entertained her - and I quote

A few months ago I met a legendary bassist who’s contracted with all the biggest musicians of the 60s and 70s. We talked about various artists, I asked if he’d worked with Tina Turner. He replied, never had the opportunity. But 20 years ago at a Vegas event a friend invited him to see Ike Turner, and his response was,

Dear Parking Lot Patrolling Pam,

That last quote is important.

I’m still angry that we had grown ass men in my family that did nothing to stop my uncle from beating my aunt. She cried at his funeral because she was happy he was dead. I didn’t find this out until I was in my 20's, years after he died, or I would have whooped his alcoholic ass myself.


They elected a sexual predator president, and just put a sexual judge on the United States Supreme Court over the protest of the nation. They can’t tell me shit about civilization. They don’t get to tell us what is and isn’t “civilized.” They can go to the deepest circle of Hell with that bullshit.

He was talking about Kanye, and I wish you wouldn’t have pulled him out of the greys.

I must be alone in completely disagreeing with this. I’ve always thought he raps like someone who claps on the 1's and 3's, and he’s always the worst part of any song he’s featured on. He couldn’t ride a beat if he was strapped to it with one of those 5-point racecar seat belts.

The fact that they equate slur word for black people with mistreatment and abuse tells you that white people know who is the oppressed but want to claim the victimhood. It’s disgusting and enraging.

From: Barry
To: Michael Harriot.

Karen Blixen’s story WAS problematic.

I received plenty from my classical liberal education, including the fact that actual, historically documented (and currently persistent) social constructs aren’t “personal prejudice.” They’re just facts, available to you at any library or with a quick Google.

You’re right, my Sarah Lawrence writing degree is entirely inadequate. Meanwhile, you realize you’re argument is with Quartzy’s quote, and not even me, right? And that one can both be marginalized and oppressive, simultaneously?