
Bless you for the Happy Endings gif. The last show that was as good as this one.

Chidi was so tired, he misspelled Plato.

I interpreted it as “The Good Place” writers inverting Outback Steakhouse so that this time it’s the Australians making a trite, shallow, exaggerated and distorted caricature of America into a middle-tier table service restaurant chain instead of the other way around.

Despite the fact that The Good Place Earth being a lot like our Earth it’s not really our Earth. And one of the most prominent things about that version of Earth is that everything is a little more over the top than it is in our reality. Almost everything is exaggerated. Tahani’s accent is basically a parody and so is

Everyone seemingly had an issue with Sinead O’Connor, abuse victim of the Catholic Church, when she spoke up about it and ripped the Pope’s photo.

You always do this. You are consistently good for a bad take if one is looking for one.

$350/day is not enough to put up with people like this. I promise you. 

It gives us a base level of ‘stupid’ to measure those that join.

Eh I don’t think you understand what being a nanny for a rich person is like. This isn’t providing daycare for a middle class working mom. Its 24/7. This mom will have zero time with the baby except when she’s lording over you telling what to do and how wrong you’re doing it. Sometimes the nanny is also expected to be

So … people of color are not supposed to have feelings? Wypipo are supposed to be as racist as they want, and men are supposed to be as violent and sexist as they want – and POC are never supposed to react, never supposed to be upset, never supposed to take offense, no matter how horrible the offending behavior?

Flake could’ve voted no and kept it in committee with the same 1 week timetable, but he flaked out and sent it to McConnell.

Assault accusations aside, you would expect a scotus candidate to be cool and solemn, not prone to the histrionic bitch-fits we got from Kavanaugh...and that “I’m rubber, you’re glue” part of his examination where he turned the question back against his questioner was just a ridiculous fucking FAIL of logic and

“...save your indignation that finally someone is taking one woman’s accusation of sexual assault seriously.”

Fellow spouse of a narcissist here. I picked up on at least 50 major tells that this douche is a lying piece of shit. The crocodile tears to start.

You really can’t handle it. It’s why you troll. You know you don’t have control. But when you troll you can fake it to yourself.

I mean, this is literally a red flag that some women use to figure out which men to avoid.

The thing that always infuriates me about these “You can’t go after someone for something that happened thirty years ago, it’ll ruin their life” comments:

Now I want to know what Brian Kilmeade did in high school. That wasn’t anger, it was panic. 

As a straight, white male, I recognize the privilege that I was born into. I’ve never pulled a “#notallmen” out of my pocket on women of Splinter or Jezebel because that’s not constructive, and it’s not how to be the best ally I can be. And, frankly, I’m sure I’ve engaged in “locker room talk” in my younger days that

Here’s a wacky idea, instead of trying to push a shithead like Kavanaugh through, you just drop him lick the piece of shit he is and replace him with someone who hasn’t sexually assaulted women all their life.