
It was a lot of people’s legacy, or cultural touchstone he destroyed.

Larry Wilmore has been waiting for this.

“When the sexual assault happened, I was a young woman brimming with confidence and looking forward to a future bright with possibilities. Now, almost 15 years later, I’m a middle-aged woman who’s been stuck in a holding pattern for most of her adult life, unable to heal fully or to move forward,” her statement read,

Let this be a warning to all these rich white guys out here doing Cosby level crimes....LOL I couldn’t even finish my comment. 

tl;dr- technically too long to read

She thinks it was ok that her step-father was impressed enough with her that he wanted to kiss her.

Oh this language breaks my heart. 21 year old girls can be smart and amazing and they have agency. But he was 55/56. She can be as impressive as all get out, but there is still a 35 year age gap. What man watches a girl grow up for 11 years (even just casually) and wants to have sex with her? A creepy fucking one.

We chatted about it, and I must have been impressive because he kissed me.”

Yeah, well, as a woman, I am a prey animal. Personally, I have good reason for being afraid of you, if I don’t know you.

The grays getting all in their feelings below you are my entertainment this evening.

I just don’t get it.. why is it so difficult to just treat EVERYONE the way they want to be treated. Why is so difficult to understand to treat everyone with basic respect and decency regardless of colour/race/gender? I mean I don’t understand why a class needs to be taught.

White folks really need to stop getting the idea that they are the best allies ever, because they seem to forget being an ally also means being vigorously and repeatedly challenged, questioned and not trusted. And there are no fucking headpats, cookies or chin rubbings.

All kinds of people can be “on the spectrum”; that’s not just some sort of “excuse space” ostensibly reserved for white men.

Exactly. I used to hate when JLo did interviews saying she hated the attention she gets for her butt, but EVERY red carpet picture she took, she would turn around. You don’t hate it that much. 

Longing for the past deepens the sadness we already possess for people, places, and things that are no longer. I have the oddest regrets when I mine my history for mental security blankets.

Man, I miss having a president who could string together coherent thoughts and speak about them in an educated and eloquent manner. 

lol.  Nah, bruh.  But I want to smoke with you, that’s for sure.

It’s just about what they’re worth.  

I would gladly pay a dollar to punch a Nazi. 

This is exactly why I hate most white women (sorry)...or at least the 53% of those bitches who put this monster in office!!