
Yep, I cringe when I hear “White” Americans proclaim “This is not who we are” after one of these racist incidents, when they know good and well this is EXACTLY what White America is and have been since its inception.

Pine, I love you as Kirk, but what the hell are you wearing in that photo? Please tell me thats not what we’re wearing in the future?


I just imagine that Amercia is a peaceful fishing village on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. It hasn’t been discovered by the tourists yet, so you can relax, and the paella is the best I’ve ever tasted.

Michael when he realized he didn’t have to write an intro:

I wanted to know if it’s possible to be white and conservative without being a bigot or viscous criminal?

Oh my god, shut the fuck up.

That’s very astute.

So, I’m a white (Jewish) male on the autism spectrum. And I can absolutely empathize with someone on the spectrum getting worked over a perceived threat by some stranger, especially if they’re home alone, and especially if they’re a woman. But I also understand that I’m prone to getting freaking out by things that are

1. I’m not autistic. I do have an autistic housemate, and 4 severely autistic friends. So I’m writing this based on what I’ve been told by them.

Bruh, the hole you’re digging isn’t getting any smaller.  Maybe sit a few plays out. 

Now playing

I’m 48. This is what I grew up with ...and we won’t even discuss the misogyny:

Thank you for mentioning the intersection of race and disability. My brother is a high-functioning, autistic black man, and I often worry that his various involuntary tics (pacing, muttering to himself, shaking his head) are going to get him shot. He lives in a safe, liberal area with our parents but I still worry

WHOA SEVEN WHOLE WOMEN CONGRATS. Meanwhile, I’m going to give myself 30 seconds to write, off the top of my head: Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, Any member of the Kardashian clan, Taylor Swift, Lena Dunham, Mila Kunis, Gisele, Mandy Moore, and Jessica Chastain. 

That you could only name one black woman (out of your 30+ years) proves the point, darling.

all of whom seem perfectly happy to accept that his past tweets, while, again, tasteless, were made a long time ago, and he’s matured a lot since then,

Allyship is a 24/7 job, and there’s a lot of white people trying to pull part time shifts.”

I agree with the general idea of what Spike is saying, but I also think black and white people take allyship for granted in a lot of ways. I definitely appreciate any white person who is willing to use their privilege to speak up for POC, especially when there aren’t any POC around when they’re doing it, but for me

Bla bla bla, dude.

It’s easy for a White person who isn’t in America to be all abstract about WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORISTS ON THE MARCH ON OUR STREETS

I’m Black - also a union member and a political leftist.

Also I’m a Black man old enough to know people who had relatives lynched by the White supremacist grandfathers of

White people, no one believes your bullshit except for you. No matter how many times you try to convince us that you aren’t racist, or you don’t vote for discriminatory practices/politicians...we don’t fucking believe you.