
Good people on both sides, eh? Where have we heard that before?

Lena and Jenni sound like every neighbor of mine who wrote the judge letters supporting the neighborhood pedophile who molested my son. They sound just as clueless about the fact that predators don’t just groom their victims; they also groom their supporters.

That kind of seems like a lot of words to say “people who think LOTR is a slog aren’t as smart as me.”

Yeah I feel like the movie is goint to be kind of 70s era bad, but I still have to see it. lol

It’s possible for LOTR to have successfully accomplished what Tolkien was trying to do while still being a slog for some readers. Tolkien had a particular set of interests that he focused on while building his world — language, certain mythical aspects — to the near total exclusion of others — politics, economics,

I think the movie works because it plays to Keanu’s strengths. Namely by framing his difficulty with emoting as a sort of silent rage. Plus it’s funny to see that the guy who plays Theon Greyjoy has now basically been typecasted to play assholes.

Technically, you’re not wrong.

Honestly, I really think that’s the main thing. I think his creditors have kept him just rich enough to sustain his brand, but I don’t remotely believe he has these vast riches that he claims to have. If he had documents proving himself to be as wealthy as he pretends, he’d be whipping them out at every press

i misread this as “cards against hannity” & thought, “say, where can i buy a pack of those?”

I hope his administration gets herpes.

I grew up on the border. I remember when the Bush administration put up the fence all those years ago. I would pass by it literally every day until I moved away. I see it every time I go home. I hate that fence. I hate it so much. The idea of a border wall is infuriating to me. It creates in me an anger like little

What ‘bread and circuses’?

Honestly, that kind of sounds like a win/win.

Mel Gibson is a racist homophobe and an abuser. He does not deserve a second chance. He does not deserve forgiveness. And he definitely does not deserve a comeback that allows him to star in million-dollar movies. I can’t even believe this has to be said.

I agree that the entertainment industry should probably never get on their moral high horse again about...well, anything.

People are complicated, artists especially so.

here ya go

Making the woman uncomfortable is probably part of it - asserting dominance, transgressing their boundaries. That, and exhibitionism. I don’t believe for a second that these guys think “I bet these virtual strangers want to watch me jack off.”

I’ve never watched Mad Men and am completely unfamiliar with the work of Matthew Weiner. I’d just like to say that the title of this book virtually screams “man writing a female protagonist and thinking he’s, like, super insightful about women.”

I see this as one of the central questions of the show, the Josh vs. Rebecca likability, and why what we accept and interpret for one is not the same as for the other.