
You’re the moron if you’re objecting to me asking why people who knew didn’t come out about this sooner.

It’s a shame that any fan who is bummed out by this has to contextualize their frustration and disappointment by saying “I’m sorry for sounding selfish”.

this is beyond ridiculous. this is old news in hollywood. people knew about weinstein and spacey and others for years, some people built their entire careers with these people and it was just the status quo. for everyone to act like this is some gigantic secret and now say these people they’ve accused have damaged

I want to see someone make a TV show about OBL’s time at his compound, but, like, as an ‘80s-style sitcom where his wacky neighbor Achmed always comes over and borrows his tools and says zany things. And OBL can’t go outside because the Americans are looking for him, so instead he puts on disguises and has to go to

Though, I admit this was the weakest episode this season, the critique of this episode was terrible and very hard on this show. I prefer a passionate fan of a series reviewing it instead of a mindless viewers criticism. I think Jamie’s reaction wasn’t out of character and it actually made more sense to me after

Did anyone else get the impression that Madame Jeanne was upset cuz she thought something was cooking between her and Jamie than he waltzes in with a wife? I thought it was a strange parellel that a woman who is not his wife was acting wifely in the opening shot (fixing his cravat) and his actual wife makes a point to

I think the script tried to draw parallels between Claire leaving Bree and Jamie leaving Willie.

Claire reminds me of Olivia from Fringe. She was ambivalent about motherhood but she grew to love the notion of making her own family. I think that’s what Claire was missing. She lived so long with the misinformation that she couldn’t have children, and I think that (plus Faith) plays into why she couldn’t just fall

OK yeah, she has the benefit of not yet suffering from severe dementia, so she probably has some comprehension of the consequences she & Dolt 45 may face for the shit they both pulled. But if anything’s bothering her at all, it’s only what’ll happen to her if Trump does end getting impeached or prosecuted, not

You know? I’m starting to think the only way to survive this insanity is just to dive right in so I’m considering choosing one of the many stupid dumbass wrong-headed conspiracy theories floating around the net and fully embracing it.

I genuinely just don’t get the obsession with this show or what warrants it getting almost daily articles on here, especially considering the many genre shows that aren’t covered.

I’m reading these comments and noticing all the people who said he should name his attacker. And I’m thinking about every single post on the AV Club in living memory about a celebrity who did name their attacker. The Dylan Farrow posts, the Kesha posts, the Casey Affleck posts, hell, even some of the early Bill Cosby

Yes. We’re so conditioned as to how to operate within our society that when somebody deliberately does something inappropriate we often just short circuit and can’t respond. Which is why I get so angry when people dismiss rape victims who didn’t “fight back”. It’s the same kind of thinking as those people who walk

Damon also backed up his boy Casey Affleck after he was accused of sexual harassment.

While this is true, and I do welcome his change of heart, it shouldn’t take a mass shooting happening right in of your eyes, FFS.

If we want to change anything for the better, we have to be welcoming to former opponents who change their mind, regardless of the reason. And I credit him for acknowledging that it shouldn’t have taken it happening to him.

Polite Coutnerpoint: Getting offended by the President of the United States threatening to wipe out another country is valid. And I don’t think anybody who was upset by that tweet did so “just to be offended.”

You’re being overly dismissive of a perfectly reasonable complaint. And you’re dismissing it using the

His “humor” always comes off as very fake to me, like every punchline is just a way of him saying “See: I’m NOT Danny Tanner!”.

I loved the episode, but got stuck on one thing: Lobotomies aren’t performed by cutting into the scalp - a fact that made them extremely popular: The technique was so simple and almost non-invasive that it was done as an outpatient procedure. There’s an episode of “The American Experience” that provides a great

Hi Eric Barry, thanks for stopping by!