Wallis Lane

I liked that immunity challenge a lot. It was a simple change to the usual ball balance formula but one that I imagine is actually pretty hard to do.

Rob Reiner is a fucking hack. And why did anyone think this was a good idea after the play and film version All The Way. Harrelson is a good actor, but he can’t hold a candle to the force that is Cranston.

He was perfectly cast as William Faulkner in Barton Fink...

Oooooh, Tom Lehrer! Daniel Radcliffe just gained a lot of points in my book. Honestly, this whole interview had that effect, but the Tom Lehrer part definitely made me the happiest.

Man, I love Dan Radcliffe. He just seems like such a pleasant dude.

Johnny Rivers is an underrated singer (one of the all time great themes ‘Secret Agent Man is but one example). That’s my story and I’m sticking to it...

Can’t believe he won the Emmy over Louie Anderson who was even better in the second season of Baskets. I also think that Anderson would make a better Trump.

Cicely Strong did, what, three different accents? She’s good at those things.

Dumbest thing about Trump’s latest “Merry Christmas” pathetic pander (besides that he’s doing it in October) (and besides that Democrats are letting the GOP write the narrative again): that he said “Judeo-Christian vales.” Judeo. As in not Christian.

It’s a bit funny to me that this review points out the un-British-ness of this show, because having the same composer as Utopia isn’t even the only strong parallel to Utopia—which is very much a British series, albeit not in a classic BBC style. (And yeah, an *amazing* soundtrack.)

How about instead of abandoning Constitution, we actually start enforcing it? Because “well-regulated” part of 2nd Amendment would prevent lot of deaths if we not have army of lobbyists pushing Congress to ignore it. Enforcing Emoluments Clause would be nice now that we have grifter in office.

Politics Corner - The Price is too High edition. Seriously, Tom, a train ride from DC to Philly is about an hour, don’t spend 15 grand to charter a private jet that takes longer, you ass. Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services, was fired today. Why? Well, he took $400k in unnecessary private domestic jet

The coroner’s report shows the cause of death as “the internet”

Alan kept insisting he wasn’t crazy but dude, either you’re crazy or your strategy really really sucks.

I wish you would have asked him about The Founder, he was great in that.

Great performance in Zodiac, but severely miscast—doesn’t look a thing like Ted Cruz.

I think that’s just Dench, she says it at least 10 times a day.

I liked Satchel.

Undeclared was wonderful! That single F&G season stands quite well as a little time capsul gem, but I so, so wish we’d gotten four seasons of Undeclared.

With a crackle and a pop