Wallis Lane

I would agree that applies to the latest season, but I thought S5 held up compared to what came before.

Yup, frosty as fuck. I’ve commented elsewhere here that, yes, Tiffany is indeed the worst. Doesn’t Derek have any male friends of his own? Actually, I can see Tiffany being the type to have full veto power over who he can invite to his birthday.

First off, watching Issa and Lawrence fight is like watching your parents fight. Its a very deep hurt.

I think he’ll be primaried. He’s pushing the GOP brand a little too far into (openly) white supremacist territory for most party leaders’ comfort. Plus he’s doing his damndest to belittle and alienate Mitch McConnell, which does not seem wise. But I never predicted Trump getting elected in the first place, so what the

Let’s just take a gander over at the right-wing media and see if there’s any malicious slander or defamation of a public figure....

Ratings and wealth are the only metrics Trump understands. Any time he wants to insult someone, he says they’ve got low ratings or are losing money. Unless it’s a woman, of course, in which case he just says they’re ugly.

As a Black woman, I feel compelled to comment on the scene with Daniel. First, I’ve had many of the same conversations with my friends, that Issa and her girlfriends had about giving head, and I can relate. I can relate to women who have the stigma of being viewed as forever-a-hoe if they give head, and some women who

I actually didn’t find this episode particularly funny to be honest - I usually laugh a lot while watching (Kelli’s classic one-liners, minor characters doing the most, the Regina Hall scenes etc) but during this ep I think I may have just chuckled once or twice.

David Bowie’s Changes, a classic.

I feel like that’s why Life of Brian outpaced Holy Grail. Holy Grail is funnier, but Life of Brian is a stronger narrative as satire.

Blazing Saddles is the funnier movie, but Young Frankenstein is the better movie.

I was so thrilled to see Kelli promoted to regular this season.

Excuse me

So what’s worse: the ugly typeface; the double-spacing; the narrow text column; the obtrusive, interpolated ads; or the endless scrolling just to get through the article thanks to the previous three issues?