
In rebuttal:

I would die of embarrassment if my mother gave birth to Jaden.

Sorry Jaden, you need to step up your game. JKR’s kid still has you beat.

In respect of which...... my institution provides a neat sheet of headshot of residents in the program on a per/year basis. These people change clothes and/or wear lab coats yet ultimately we manage to recognize them even if we can’t always whip out the name. Congress has some turnover but retains incumbents.

Sigh. Now no one is going to believe them when they psychotic clowns actually show up for them. 😔

With liver tea and justice. For some.

This is the same guy who said he would only be Speaker if he could have plenty of time off. He is definitely phoning it in.

Except the behavior was the same as when he was interviewed by a psychologist and the police shortly after the murder. Plus he smeared poop on stuff, red flag!

I said this elsewhere, but he’s Speaker of the House. It’s his job to move legislation along - he’s basically the top politician and agenda setter. Even though Congress has been obstructionist and divided on most high-profile issues, and hasn’t gotten a lot done, there’s still plenty of business flowing through the

Its the pictures. Hundreds of pageant pictures.

Noooooo do not bang.

1. I had never thought Burke did it, I always thought it was either John or an intruder, but this special convinced me. At first I thought it was creepy to reenact the murder-by-flashlight with a fake skull and pig skin, but when they brought out the child I understood why it was necessary. Once you realize that a

This is Queen:

Think he’s probably been living in that world of hell for all these years anyway, if these allegations are true.

The next time she sees Paul Ryan she should be like:

it looks like the staffer knew, and thought he heard her say “Katherine Clark from Massachusetts”, and like...everyone could see the pin.

But he is Speaker of the House, not someone who just started and is learning the ropes. He should know what the people in Congress look like.

If Republicans would work with Democrats once in a while, maybe he would be able to recognize them.

I want to make fun of Ryan, but having done stuff like this myself in the past, I feel for him. Sometimes the recognition functions in your brain short-circuit when you take people out of the context you know them in.
