
I wasn’t really talking about this particular protest, but a general protest elsewhere protesting open carry, by open carrying in which I assume the protesters would be diverse, and the police would be apt to classify them as “other” and shoot someone (probably a person of color). Or as someone else pointed out, a gun

How does the FBI know who owns an automatic weapon?

Perhaps it will help to encourage people to oppose open carry laws? So two birds with one stone, I guess?

I’m not a fan of them having guns. That said, if we’re going to have idiotic laws that allow people to openly carry guns, I suppose they should be welcome here. Maybe that’s the only way to get the right to change their minds regarding gun control; start carrying semi-automatic weapons at protests against them. Maybe

That’s how they get you!

Yeah, this is everyone I knew in grad school 10 years ago. The references were different, but the pretension was the same. It was maybe even me a tiny little bit sometimes, god help me.

Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. This is so brave, Kelly.

This would be a much hotter take if you said it while Nick Denton was your boss.

I mean, I don't even have a TV, me and the wife cut the cord years ago, you should do it, it's so fantastic.

It can sometimes feel like a pretty lonely road. But Aaron Sorkin has this quote—I’m a pretty big Sorkin fan—

I know way too many people like this.

I totally understand what you mean. I’m the kind of person who listens to NPR instead of Top 40, you know?

David Sedaris, is that you?

you’re not, i love both of them

Am I the only one who finds these kids cute as hell. They say a lot of stupid stuff but ultimately theyre good kids with good intentions for the world. Also Willow is hella talented.

As it turns out, all seven Ivy League schools oppose graduate student unionization, having filed an amicus brief—in which they were joined by Stanford and MIT—warning that allowing graduate student workers to unionize would “impermissibly intrude into their academic freedom.”

Wow. Katie Couric was never my favorite, but I really respect this.

Big deal.

That’s some good leadership.