
Well aren't you just wonderful.

Stop it. Anybody can go back and ctrl+f the thread and see the only person who used the phrase "I hate white women" was you.

Wait, you don't even live here and you're drawing that conclusion? That seems a little presumptuous.

Well, shit. Now I feel bad about slagging off Ian Cauble, who sounds like an all-around okay guy!

Well, shit. Now I feel bad about slagging off Ian Cauble, who sounds like an all-around okay guy!

Don Lemon's a clown, but I didn't see anything ridiculous about his apology.

The whole Judgment Night soundtrack is pretty amazing.

In what ways does Denver try to emulate Dallas and Austin? I mean, sure, I see similarities since Denver still has some of its old rough cowboy edges but has benefitted from an influx of young people who bring good music with them, but I'd argue Denver just is what it is and it happened organically.

Giving up soda is a great idea, and limiting refined breads is also smart, but why give up milk? It's an inexpensive, low-fat source of complete protein. It's practically a superfood.

I'm the same way. I'll have the occasional cup of coffee and it makes me anxious and jittery. It definitely does not make me feel alert or attentive, which is a shame.

So good.

I've seen Somm and really liked it.

I've seen Somm and really liked it.

Take the MCATs and forget about blow jobs.

If somebody wants to make a lot of money, and has the smarts and drive necessary to become a doctor, there are many, many, fields available to them that are both more lucrative and less difficult.

That's cynical. And dumb, since "surmise with certainty" is a self-contradictory phrase.

Kevin Durant maturing and taking ownership of himself is interesting. Framing that development in Drake parallels is one of the weirdest choices I can imagine, and it doesn't work. Not at all.

Edit: Above should read, "if we are XX for our sex chromosome, we are female."

Livescience (whatever that is) and you seem to share a misunderstanding, unless we're just arguing semantics.

I have a better idea. How about we do your thing, but we also all agree to not get outraged if the mistake came with no ill intent

Haha. Nice one.