
Where did you get the idea that "we all started out" as female? That's not how it works.

I wasn't calling you an asshole, but I was saying your attitude of superiority was pretty assholish.

I'm glad you enjoy the show so much, but you know it takes a special kind of asshole to think a difference in opinion about a TV show is evidence that he "gets it" and that the other person is just a simpleton.

Walking Dead?!?

What shows from 50 years ago do we watch, today? None. Not in any appreciable number of viewers, anyhow. And the same will be true of 50 years from now. All the stuff we (rightfully) love will seem horribly dated and people will laugh at the slow pacing and bad effects and a dozen other things.

"But the people who show up with these fancy gadgets are the ones we stop seeing at the gym about 3 weeks after they sign up."

This is just like those Justin Bieber hoops videos from last year.

I was being serious. Based on the context of the interview and nothing more, I came away thinking that she understands "conceive" to mean "go into labor" or "give birth to."

"I've never been to Long Island, but that's a very strong Long Island accent, right?"

Not skim milk, though. The chemicals responsible for hear are fat and alcohol soluble.

Do you actually read Deadspin?

Violet are blue

You're 100% wrong. Just because you're not able to keep up doesn't make somebody else "clueless."

Because snark is a tool that any middling blogger can substitute for actual wit. So edgy!

Agree 100%.

Tell you what; next Sunday, when they post the solution, we can revisit the discussion and whomever is wrong can apologize to whomever is right. Sound good?

Quick! It's not too late to delete your reply and avoid showing your ass!

Quick! It's not too late to delete your reply and avoid showing your ass!

Yup. This is a nice visualization of the problem.

To be fair, Angry Greg is not a member of the media. He's a blogger.