
Huh? He’s obviously not the world’s greatest entertainer, but I think we could all do a lot worse than somebody who is good looking, fun and successful.

On a post about the perfect egg, why is there a picture of an undercooked egg?

The jalapeños are not “sitting in their own juice.” The jalapeños at Subway are pickled and are sitting in vinegar. No big deal.

Take it up with Chris Rock. It’s his argument, not mine.

True, but that has nothing to do with his argument, which is that black Americans don’t like baseball.

“Hey, I like the sound of this idea!”

The 13” MBP weighs 8 0z more than the 13” MBA, and you’re going to claim the Air meets your portability standards but “the MBP is too heavy for me to carry around.”

I like that idea, but it raises a few issues:

You’re making a circular argument that goes like this:

The “around part” is exactly what we’re debating.

What’s “criminally stupid” about the nets? There have been tens of thousands of baseball games, and to my knowledge, this is the first such incident.

Sure, 9 at-bats, nine batters, with each batting once. Hence the name. Am I missing something, here?

Love that your scolding comment about punctuation contains punctuation errors!

I see a lot of good tips about how to find deals or stretch a dollar, but nobody has addressed the psychological component of enjoying a vacation with limited funds, the key to which I believe is budgeting.

Bloggers have important thoughts that must be shared!

Yup. I was hoping to add clarity by determining if you were being intentionally obtuse to illicit a response, or if you were genuinely confused by a pretty simple problem. Now, I know. Thanks!

Trolling, or serious?

Call me crazy, but I’m pretty convinced that evolution is well under way.

“The MacBook is too heavy for me.”

And used a 3:4:5 triangle, so we didn’t even need a calculator. Pretty easy, indeed.