
No. Just once.

I was visiting friends down south and we ended up playing bar games with a suspiciously attractive couple. I assumed they were local models or something, but handsome-man told my buddy he was an actor and the next day with the help of wives and girlfriends, we figured out he was Josh Henderson from the rebooted Dallas

Bubba Watson seems like a surly prick. If he didn't have a hovercraft and a goofy name, he'd be rightly reviled.

Yup. This is heavy.

I love all the BttF movies, but there's no such thing as a perfect film and I'm inclined to believe it's simply inconsistent writing.

Please, please stop with the "Shamalamadingdong." Besides being terribly overused and unfunny, it's also kind of racist.

Vitamins and juicing are great for supplementing the nutrients a veggie-deficient diet lacks, but they don't do much to help with from a weight loss/maintenance perspective.

You're wrong.

Comcast's "high speed" internet.

I'm not familiar with Leslie Jones. She may be funny, but is she funnier that Retta? Because nobody is funnier than Retta.

For the last two weeks, Jezebel and its commenters have been telling me the Oscars are racist and meaningless. Now that it's convenient, you want to hang your hat on them? Me no understand.

When I read comments like yours I wonder how you can tolerate being around Jezebel. You're obviously smart and capable of nuanced thinking, and this is absolutely not the place for that.

"Political correctness is a style of politics in which the more radical members of the left attempt to regulate political discourse by defining opposing views as bigoted and illegitimate." -Chait

Thanks, Ben!

No. Thank you.

I doubt that, but even if it's true, I'm not embarrassed by it. I think about weird stuff.

Check in with me on Memorial Day. I'll bet you $1 I break 45 minutes.

You know how your boss actually thinks he's funny, and has no idea people are laughing because he's the boss? It's the same with a lot of the regular commenters around here.

An "antagonist" would add no more difficulty to the puzzle since the lazy susan is being spun randomly and you can still grab whichever two glasses you want.

The whole plan is to alienate him and make him feel so unwelcome that he retires before the end of his contract.