
It’s really a problem of distinguishing latent racism from mere chance. There are a lot of black actors working today giving stellar performances, and it’s unreasonable to expect that in any given year, none are nominated. It’s possible that could happen by chance, but like a random number generator giving the same

Well that’s fairly elitist. Us was very good and the direction was fantastic, but the ending deserves the criticism. The individual ‘twist’ is fine, but the Hands Across America bit loses the thread.

I wonder if the truth behind the subject matter raised some eyebrows.  

The Woman King not getting hardly anything is ridiculous. All of the actresses, and particularly Lashana Lynch are burned into my memory. She should have gotten Best Supporting Actress, Viola Davis deserved a Best (beast, doing all that shit at 50+) Actress, and holy shit was the action design and execution excellent.

Nope was better on a second viewing (that opening sequence, *shudders*) but I would still put it a step below Get Out or Us. Which is fine, Peele is a major talent, not every movie Scorsese directed was Raging Bull.

I can definitely hear every orchestral instrument of the score, but what the f are they saying? Did I miss an important plot point? One reason why I always watch with subtitles on (when available).

I would be happy with just a smaller dynamic range. Or rather, my wife who is trying to sleep in the bedroom would be happier if every 11 minutes the sound from the living room didn’t sound like a 747 landing for three minutes then gets super quiet again.

I liked the Ringer’s picks for ten best shows of the year, also I miss when these lists were all on a single page.

I’m not going to hold anyone’s enjoyment of anything against them, but I feel like you could listen to that Demi Adejuyigbe video that adds lyrics to the Succession soundtrack (because that is exactly one song) and have the exact same experience as watching the show. (“All the rich white folk are going to argue. And

Ok I do like Succession because it makes me laugh, but it really is the same thing over and over again. I’m not going to argue that it’s the greatest show ever, but I enjoy it.

Well in that case then I don’t think being felt up at a wild gay party he is being paid to go to would seem like a sexual assault to Jack at all, but part of his job... (But I do feel kind skeezy saying that...)

I can totally understand your reading. The way the dialogue was given for me made me think that he honestly laughed it off as just something that comes with the territory. I know some here have guessed that he might not actually be a nephew but have been hired to accompany the older gay guys—I didn’t get that vibe,

YES, Jack! Got that mixed up. In any case, I went back to the transcript and it’s very open-ended (and I’m certainly sensitive to portraying gay people as predatory). Jack says that Palermo is “all right, if you don’t mind a bunch of gays grabbing your arse and copping a feel.” Portia asks if he minds and he says, No,

Maybe not rich, or as rich as the other rich characters, but certainly not poor. She’s got a job, sure, but a sort of job you probably need connections for - I don’t think Tanya would have posted that job on Craigslist and hired someone from the street. Portia also knows a lot of gossip about Tanya, seems like her

Bro code is stupid it gets people killed, lonely, STIs, divorced, arrested or turning into incels. or some combination thereof.  

Also, I very much don’t enjoy seeing Valentina “flirt” with her subordinate. 1) She’s doing what she accuses Roco of doing. 2) It’s even worse, because she’s her superior. 3) She tragically misreads the situation - the younger woman admires her and sees her as role model, and that’s it.

I enjoy the Albie and Portia

I mean, Ethan did kiss Mia, albeit briefly. Yes, he turned down her advances, but it’s still sketchy enough behavior for him to rather not tell her about it. Plus, how does he explain the condom wrapper being in their suite, and not Cameron’s? That would just beg the question where Ethan was. 

That particular trope is lazy storytelling 101. The amount of goofball shenanigans it takes to make these contrived stories work hinders the great work the actors have been putting in.

I found that too. They have boxes with the episode number that you would think you could click & it would take you to that episode - but, nope, nothing happens.

Unrelated, but I am on my hands and knees begging the AVclub to just take me to a list of reviews when I click on the show name on your website.