
They made the right decision by not recasting. Boseman was too iconic a figure and his death to devastating to the filmmakers for it to work well. Honestly, one good thing about this movie coming out is that I won’t have to hear the whining about recasting for a while. Somewhere down the line, everything will be

I’d say he was a very talented actor, but probably the least interesting part of Black Panther. Sometimes being the main hero is the most boring role in a film. See also: Shang-Chi this past year. 

Even if Shuri gets the torch, SHE believes in science, even if her actor doesn’t.

I don’t know. The Red Viper never actually did anything except want to avenge his family and have sexual exploits. He isn’t even a “bad guy.” And Bronn I never viewed as a bad guy. His loyalty shifted because he was a person without family or support and understands he is replaceable to most the people around him so

As it happens, finding new dragonriders out of the blue is an important plot point in the book, and probably in the second season of the show. As it happens, the Targaryens have more bastards than they can count lying around...

They seem to have settled on the idea that a strong jawline is the key to looking good in the blond wigs. I do think that the Aemond actor has a certain beauty when he’s all styled up but he just looks like such a cartoon next to everyone else. 

Larys is never at Harrenhall, and has no family to run the place. Aside from his spies, he doesn’t seem like he has bannermen, servants, just doesn’t seem like much of a lord at all. If Rhaenyra took over, I’d be wondering how long it’d take him to notice.

The princes couldn’t have had an escort if they were flying by dragon.

This is the definition of a hot take.

Ah yeah, that would have helped a lot!

Why do the people involved with the show keep on pretending they don’t know why one of the main characters is popular? Martin himself said that Daemon was one of his favorite characters. Fictional characters don’t and should not have to be saints to be popular, yet people involved with the show continue to feign

I don’t understand how a writer doesn’t get people liking the bad guy. It really wasn’t until recently that certain people in the Breaking Bad fandom will admit Walt is the villain, this is an incredibly common thing.

God I love Rhaenys. Seeing her defend Rhaenyra’s merit as a sovereign by noting her temperance was a great moment. However, I kind of feel like we the audience realized that worthiness at the same time that Rhenys did, and that’s kind of... bad. We’ve spent more time with Rhaenyra than Rhaenys has, we’ve seen her in

It’s interesting this show coming out not long after Roe was overturned. Showing how wanted births can go terribly wrong and costing the life of the mother. So the depictions of bloody still births didn’t bother me. In its own feminist way, the series is saying that pregancy is a serious medical condition that can end

They seem to have done the casting without makeup tests. The actors look the right ages but the Aemond actor’s wig and eyepatch do something funky to the effect of his jawline. 

I was a vaguely peace-and-lovey new wave kid from the Denver suburbs who all the skaters and punks thought was a poseur, so most of my friends were among that first wave of white kids who made the jump from The Fresh Prince/MC Hammer to NWA and the Ices T and Cube- we all watched it because the fashion was DOPE (the

I remember Sinbad’s “I know what you all are thinking: Do I  have enough clothes to go to a black college.”.

Loved, loved, loved this show as a little white boy. It made college look so cool and fun... Especially the intro where it goes through the library and quad and you see the marching band and all that. Classic.

Everybody I knew with glasses back then wanted those Dwayne Wayne flip-down sunglasses.

…Booksmart was pretty fucking great.