
Like everyone said, no one with a heart wishes cancer on this woman and hopefully she makes a full recovery. I’m just surprised that no one has mentioned that when MM suffered a miscarriage and was suicidal, the royal family did f*** all to offer her time to heal privately. They fully expected her to go out and


Just here to say that BTS better win. They’ve somehow only been nominated in one category again, and the grammys know (hopefully) that they f*cked up last year by not giving them the award. A huge part of the viewing audience will be their fans tuning in to see them perform (and win).

eta: the show was also really smart as well

this show was so good because it was funny and snarky at the same time. the music was great as well. i can’t miss the opportunity to say justice for terry/max. I never understood why the show insisted that terry and dana would work out long term. invincible has it right about how these superhero/non superhero relations

he’s still your friend?

I know the answer is capitalism and misogyny, but can someone explain to me why every Tom, Dick and Harry who possesses mediocre skills, but is fortunate enough to have a fancy title in Hollywood, gets these EXTREMELY cushy contracts that ensure that they get handsomely paid no matter what they do?? Does this dynamic

or works for E! News

part of the reason that it’s so fun to ship same sex characters together is because the writers often under develop the intended romantic hetero couple; the same sex friendship winds up fueling most of the character development, and demonstrating the close intimacy, that we want to see in the story. Ioften walk away

This is why it’s so important to put in the work and educate yourself about important issues BEFORE you become famous and/or before you deep dive into social media. Celebrity just attracts fake intellectuals who want to teach you their version of history and social grievances. It’s more than a little shameful how many

I second this. I feel like so many people live in blissful ignorance of the terror that takes place behind the scenes on movie shoots because they love the end product, whether it be Basic Instinct or a run-of-the-mill B movie with enough sex scenes and pointless female nudity to satisfy for days. The number of times

I shouldn’t take glee in this, but part of me feels like the UK is finally going to understand what the US is going through when you one of your major news channels essentially brands itself as right wing, state sponsored news/disinformation agents.

Oh my God, Sharon Osbourne actually said that??? The one who’s married to the man who bit off a bat’s head?

Oh no. That makes me question Carey Mulligan now. Any association to this band is starting to look bad. 

zoinks. How in the heck did this scandal not come up when I google searched the band? Another one bites the dust, I guess. 

I nearly had a heart attack thinking that this article was about the band ‘Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti’. That just goes to show that there are too many bands with the words “Ariel Pink” in their name

I know which DVD box set I bought

you’re asking this seriously? your question is actually ‘why does representation matter’?

if the clips HBO has been posting on youtube are anything to go by, this will be an incredible show

RM’s English verses are usually pretty good. Personally I prefer when he sprinkles some English lines in songs that are mostly in Korean because he tries a little too hard to keep pace with the English rappers on his English language collaborations. His word play in English is actually really good, but his diction