
Yeah we are. I think that’s a big reason we are where we are right now as a society.

Harry Potter’s birthday is also July 31.

Bland as it may be, I’m starting to envy the Jetsons’ Internet-less utopian future.

This mirrors the gay rights movement in the 1980s and 90s almost exactly and is the reason why you can’t say gay slurs on network television and in newspapers. It’s why there’s any positive portrayal of queer people at all. You don’t get respect just by waiting around for it to be granted to you by the powers that be.

Now playing

48 is pretty young to turn into an angry old man who is too out of touch to change. I think he believes he’s standing up for free speech and protecting comedy. It’s too bad because he’s skilled enough to be standing up for free speech, comedy, and protecting the most vulnerable from right wing attacks - you know, like

You didn't have to write that many words to say "I hate trans people"

I think he’s got some deep seated insecurity. I remember him on Oprah relating how the producers of some movie wanted him to wear a dress for a bit and he vociferously refused. He believes Hollywood intentionally wants to emasculate black men, which, I don’t know, may be true to some degree, but I think transgender

I don't know which thought is worse: He genuinely believes this OR he's trolling.

You may be right or you may be wrong. My point is that it’s disingenuous to complain about people no longer wanting to buy your product when you are actively trying to alienate those people. He may have a valid point (I’m not claiming he does; just making a hypothetical statement) but instead of convincing people he’s

At this point everyone whining about it is just giving him more material. He can just reference the most idiotic take anyone has about him and make a joke about that.

Oh that is not the right take.
For years, he kept telling everyone that they were just jokes and he can joke about whatever he wants and he doesn’t have to care.
But when Netflix didn’t take up his documentary, he flipped like a total hypocrite and started saying “But I do care! That’s why I make the jokes!”
His heart is

Hate speech has been demonstrated to have harmful effects. There are anti-trans bills in dozens of states, with driven by the attitudes that Chappelle promotes. Transphobic speech is the fuel to the fire of trans-hate crimes, which hit record levels last year.

I honestly think his heart is in the right place on that issue and that he’s really just pushing some “anti-PC” point. Badly, excessively, and offensively in my opinion and so he’s getting what he deserves. He’s in fact asking for it. That’s why his complaints are weird. It seems to me he WANTS this conflict to prove

Hey, moron! Dave Chappelle is hardly the only person in the country or world who shits on transgender people on a regular goddamn basis. Do you care, or are you just this addicted to being a stupid asshole on the internet? Allow me to break it down for you so you can really try to understand.

That assault was not by a trans activist. What about the trans person he used as a shield for his transphobic shit who ended up dying by suicide? That person was harmed.

Jesus, he’s now doing a “gay disease” bit? Old Dave keeps getting worse. The man is truly punching down behind a wall of blind fans while playing victim.

The bits make him a lot of money and get him a lot of press.

I feel like we’re only a few months away from Dave getting up on stage and ranting about “transgender space lasers.”

I'm kinda over Dave. He's definitely high off his own supply at this point.

Who knows? True Detective, Girls, Insecure, and Somebody Somewhere all premiered after Game of Thrones, with creators that relatively few people would have been familiar with. For what it’s worth, Simon also had done The Corner for HBO by the time HBO aired The Wire.