
Best theory I’ve seen is that she’ll be playing Donna’s daughter who she’s named Rose because she’s started unconsciously remembering what happened to her and this story will revolve in large part around undoing what was done to Donna.

This. Ultimately, this whole argument is pointless, since the only real way we could really measure any of this to know for sure is if we lived in a world where the last movies had been massive gangbusters successes prior to JK Rowling going all full-TERF in public. As is, these movies have been doing increasingly

I think it’s all of them- there was a decent amount of buzz from the first movie (I found the plotting very confusing but still) but the sort of fans who didn’t care so much about plot and cared more about shipping and cute sensitive white boys were also out as soon as the transphobia came out. And even without the

You’re kind of ignoring an element of JKR’s weird fixation: JKR used to be a big part of pushing her own work. There would be cute pictures of her posed with the actors and she’d tweet and do a lot for the movie. But this time? She’s a radioactive bigot, so the actors aren’t keen to hang out with her, and she’s not

Just as one often sees a movie for multiple reasons, the number of reasons to *not* see this one keep piling up. The last one was really bad; the writer is an a-hole; do I really want to risk catching COVID to see this?  It’s just a question of which of the list of reasons is your top one; YMMV in that respect.

It can be two things, I think.

The other reason people are not going to see the film, Covid. I used to see at least one movie a week pre-pandemic. My friends did a dinner and movie night every Tuesday for the last decade, and I frequently went to another movie on the weekends with different friends or family. Many of us are still not going to movie

“I’m not saying that the Rowling comments didn’t have an impact, but to even imply that it was the major reason for these numbers is ridiculous and just wishcasting something out there.”

JK Rowling’s statements have certainly made me fall out of love with Harry Potter. It’s not a case of actively boycotting it or anything like that, but it’s really just a whole lot less fun once you lose respect for the author. So yes, it is a case of “eh...it exists,” but whereas before her comments I probably would

As a former HP super-fan, it’s partially both but even more that JKR has been creatively ever more disappointing since Deathly Hallows. Casual Vacancy is a bore. The Galbraith books (as far as I got) are a formulaic, fat-shaming, and misogynistic bore. The Cursed Child text is an absolute mess, the worst fan-fictiony,

Did you?

If only there were some way to test if people had Covid before attending important events...

Same. If she had approached those songs “normally” it would have sounded great because she had a great voice. Bu all those unnecessary inflections and quirks... WTF?

This is off topic, but your statement is cheering to me to discover that I am not alone in noticing (and getting irritated by) this particular writing quirk which is EVERYWHERE these day. If you have an opinion about something, just fucking state it and lose the stupid, pointless qualifiers. “This may just be...”, “I

John Legend is the blandest ideal of modern soul R’n’B. I can count on him to show up on the Grammys, but to have him show up for the mawkish political moment of the show is just obnoxious for all concerned except for John Legend. 

How can you leave out the amazing Sondheim tribute during the obits?

Here’s how the #1 performance is described, “Look, this definitely might have been the performance of the night.”

What’s that you say, sunny?

Batman Beyond was my childhood.

Shriek has one of the best “Bruce is nuts” lines ever!