
Obvious, but also incoherent.

This is an extremely longwinded way of saying “if everyone would just shut up and stop whining  then all of that pesky racism/antisemitism/bigotry will just go away on its own.”

This is perilously close to the “people who call out racism are the real racists” canard. You and (apparently) your Jewish friends didn’t have an issue with how the goblins are portrayed; many readers and viewers did and do. If such depictions had truly “lost their meaning and power over time” then such would not be

I’m glad you don’t.  But lots of people still do.  Where I live, there are lots of people who think “jew” is also a verb.

I know for me it was *initially* a deal where I talked myself into thinking I saw something no one else did, or that I’d seem like I was complaining about media everyone else adored if I commented on it. I mean, we talk about this differently now but when people pointed out the problems with “Cho Chang” it was

That, or its so casually accepted that people would rather hold onto their half-hearted care for minor characters in pieces of genre fiction that they don’t even like than actually interrogate the origins of this supposed “mythological folklore”. That we’re so inundated with these caricatures that we don’t see them

If you asked your average medieval Christian peasant to describe a “goblin” and then describe a “Jew, the two descriptions would be more or less identical. Just saying.

Have you considered that maybe the folkloric depictions of goblins are, themselves, laden with anti-Semitic tropes

Never forget.

D) This is almost certainly someone who has not, in fact, cracked so much as a single spine on a book on gender. Because fucking morons spilling their idiocy onto the internet is as American as apple pie.

The thing that makes it extremely transphobic is she’s claiming GRA reform would suddenly allow transpeople to use their gender-affirming facility. Thing is GRA reform refers to documents like passports. Gender-affirming accessibility to facilities has been explicitly legal in the UK through the Equality Act 2010

Noted difference in the properties, was highlighted in the special. It was about people growing up with these characters. Having these characters be an integral part of their development for ~15 years (first book, to last movie) is massive. No other series has even come close to that. It was foundational in how they

They used the term "biological gender," which is how you can tell someone's an idiot. Even the concept of "biological sex" has more than one dimension, but "gender" only refers to a social structure. Biological gender is like a natural building. 

There’s actually a whole generational stereotype that millennials all identify by their hogwarts house. It’s not true at all, but it’s something that the franchise is invested in promoting as a cultural touchstone so now my generation has to deal with it as a point of mockery.

What about women with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome? They’re XY chromosome but often only find out by accident. Or women with chimerism or mosaicism and hence have a mix of XX and XY chromosomes? Or men with XX chromosomes from birth? Or how about this especially?

Hanging out with people who like to say kill yourself trans people and getting annoyed when people point out this fact is Rowling in a nutshell.  

You should check out a little movie from 1977 ... something about a war? Maybe in the stars? Something like that. I know a LOT of people love it. Like a lot.

Why treat Misty destroying the black box as a twist? Her being insane is already out there from the first episode—the actual twist of the series is that there’s someone far worse than her.

yeah, I wish they had her find it and left it hidden. Maybe in a later episode I could have seen her destroying it, but this seemed so sudden. Ricci really is killing it though.

I couldn’t totally suspend my disbelief that Misty would destroy their chance of an assured and quick rescue. The timid character who has been bullied for so long and thus turns evil is a stock figure. Though Ricci in the present is having a blast.