
It had to be a quack.

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That’s good that they were just joking, and that you didn’t have to limit your exposure to them.

He probably went doctor shopping until he got the answer he wanted. So yeah, he landed on a quack. 

Maybe? I’m not saying that intimate partners don’t influence one another, they obviously do. I just think some of the vitriol directed at her is because people want to like Rodgers and it’s easier to blame her, the weird Hollywood interloper on their sportsball, than accept he’s responsible for his own actions.

Going to a regular doctor and  taking regular medicines diminishes their “special" standing.  These are some really fragile people.

appealing to “well he has a lot of money, he must be smart” is the most American sentiment I can possibly imagine, and it makes me sad

Joe Rogan?

appealing to “well he has a lot of money, he must be smart” is the most American sentiment I can possibly imagine, and it makes me sad

Weird how this cancel culture is totally out of control where’s it’s beginning to affect everyday people as well as pampered celebrities. One day, you show up to your job and you find out you’re being fired over something you said or did. The next day, you’re on tour or starting a sponsored podcast or get a light

My favorite part was him dog whistling the Holocaust by mentioning the yellow wristband he was forced to wear for being non-vaccinated.  

Between Dr. Oz, Mayim Byalik and this dipshit, was Jeopardy pulling it’s hosting candidates from a list of charlatans and vax deniers?

Different sport but Kyrie Irving is legitimately fucking insane between anti vaxing and flat earthing.

I think it goes with a mentality that “Well, I pay many tens of thousands of dollars to this guy at an ultra exclusive, ”cutting-edge,” Uber-Private, sports spa-clinic, who massages me with mint oil and drones on and on 24/7 about how THIS is what real medical science should be. A Balance of shaman rituals and power

Pro athletes are in their own universe, it’s a mix of macho culture and various quack doctors telling them they don’t need it. That and not having to go to normal people places means they don’t really get pushed to wear masks or vaccinate.

Damn! I guess that means his fiancée is crazy too?

Sad. I always thought Rodgers seemed a bit better than the average meathead, but instead he’s a moron. Shame. 

plenty of hippie/granola types on the left are anti-vax

this also says some interesting things about shailene woodley