
Do it. Make Levar Burton the EP of Jeopardy and Wheel, and put him in charge of the search for a replacement host.

Now we'll just wait a few weeks for him to go full red pill and complain about the ordeal on a number of outlets. Then Been Shapiro will help produce a show for him that caters to a particular audience.

I think I’m increasingly starting to believe that Fox News wouldn’t have been able to take off without its revenue from The Simpsons. If true, that was definitely an argument to have killed it at birth.

“Consent” in this situation is amorphous You’re a woman under the glaring eyes of a TV audience and multiple cameras on a gameshow where you want to do well, with a host that seems to be the boss of the whole production (even if that’s not 100% true, it’s still the perception of the host). You don’t want to “rock the

OK, still waiting on them to get rid of the anti vaxxer.

Sounds like he had a nice couple decades-long career of mediocre-ing up while leaving a trail of women in his wake. I’ve heard a couple people say “eh what he did wasn’t that bad, but whatever.” I disagree. He obviously tried to make his podcast a thing by bouncing it off of his access as “Price Is Right” EP. And then

If he hadn’t tried to give himself the hosting gig, he’d still be employed.

His future career prospects look like they’re in...

Dawson would not last one show, and have 20 lawsuits stemming from that one show, if he were a host today.

I had a friend in school who modeled their career on Ryan Seacrest, and... it almost worked out? He got an intern gig for Seacrest. Then he went on to do some personal branding consultant work. Now I’m not sure what he’s up to. I don’t think there is a great depth of career options for someone with host/emcee talent.

This really was the only possible outcome. He’d become the main story, and it was 100% negative at that.

It’s genuinely hilarious how much drama these people have unnecessarily created as part of their effort to find someone to host a game show.

Seacrest modeled his career on Dick Clark and it somehow worked out perfectly.

That’s kind of why I wanted Buzzy Cohen to host. He has the Pedigree of Jennings being a former Jeopardy champ, and his name is Buzzy. It's the perfect host name!

The closest living equivalent is Ryan Seacrest.

no longer has any position at Sony Picture Television”

I find the shock of America that Jeopardy! is run by Hollywood sleazebags instead of erudite Belle & Sebastian listeners to be kind of charming

“Everyone knows you leave the co-workers and production staff alone, the contestants are where the action is!”

Hilarious. He wanted fame and he got it. If he hadn’t been such a weasel by rigging the host search to make himself the winner nobody would even know he was a creep.