
At least this entire business has blown the lid off the myth that Britain is “post-racist”. Jesus H. Christ their whole shoot-themselves-in-the-foot Brexit stupidity was racism pure and simple. So glad they no long get to be smug when talking about American racism.

For Piers Morgan, friends are people that don’t walk away when he is spending time with his opinions.

Wow, that gif. Having flashbacks to a horrible time in pop culture. What’s that? It’s even worse now? Oh, man.

its high time that dusty bag of shit be gone from our consciousness, who tf is Sharon Osbourne other than an rich colonialist windbag telling us what to to think/say/do. 

Not necessarily but I’m also not 100% certain Ozzy has ever met a black person.

Technically anyone with an Irish parent can claim citizenship in Ireland , if Morgan ever tries * it may be the first case where we refuse because “well. Just....just fucking listen to him , he’s not getting in here “

I had previously commented about this! The thing with racists is they just can’t *shut up* about their shitty opinions on race issues. So they like hanging out with each other because they can let rip!

Sheryl Underwood has the patience of a saint. The white entitlement of Osbourne is staggering. 

So you’re telling me that a 68 year old rich white English lady who’s main claim to fame was having been married to a drug addict who once bit the head off of a dove might not be the next Robin DiAngelo?

Piers Morgan has friends? Defenders I can understand, many a shitbird will flock to defend another shitbird who gets in trouble because they worry they might be the next one held accountable for their words or actions, but to be friends with him? Eww.

This is really the unspoken story here — America used to be a country where you could support a family comfortably on one income, when our economic system was New Deal Capitalism, not that different than European-style Social Democracy. (and given that The Simpsons was originally based around Matt Groening’s

In the real world, Homer would have been promoted to be a do-nothing Director of Nuclear Safety while some underpaid underling does all his work.

It’s not reality for everyone. The divorce rate has actually dropped in recent years and is lower in younger generations who tend to wait later to get married than it was for boomers. It still happens of course, but it’s not a certainty by any means.

Homer Simpson is exactly what’s wrong with America: he coasts through life without a care in the world, while other people have to pick up the slack. People like me. He’s a fraud. A total fraud.

So what you’re saying is that instead of having 3 kids and no money you should instead aim for having 3 money and no kids?

What a tool this fucking guy is.  I half wonder if he’s been acting like an unironic Alan Partridge for the last ten years on purpose on the theory that all attention is good attention or if he really is this out to lunch about how all this comes off.

That was my big take away; pretend it wasn’t someone famous for a moment. Piers Morgan was basically mocking a person who’d suffered from suicidal thoughts on live TV. Even if she was lying (which I don’t believe FTR), it’s hard to have a worse look than that.

Also, he was given the option of apologizing, and he still

Good Morning Britain becomes GREAT Morning Britain.

He’s had overwhelming support from beloved celebrities like ... Megyn Kelly! Sharon Obsourne! So - take that, you 41,000 whiners!

No, it’s been increasing in the ratings the entire time.