
You know that nobody saw Gemini Man.

Well, he is the Fresh Prince.

It’s popular, cheap, and can be produced in a pandemic (and because of the pandemic, it’s even CHEAPER to produce). It’s not going anywhere.

It’s plain and simple. Things that people find offensive now, were things people always found offensive.

It’s part of the “White, privileged, afraid of the world, AND PROUD” package after all. Our very American culture is based on willful ignorance and fear of what they don’t need to interact with.

Chill, you’re making a fool of yourself.

I think I may still have an old popsicle in there. The fridge I’m pretty good about, but I do have to check my condiments. I have definitely had one in there that was like 4+ years old once. If it’s one you rarely use it gets forgotten and sorta blends into the scenery.

Kikkoman? Low sodium or gusto? 

What do you think the oldest thing in your fridge is? I recently found 2 seahorse-shaped popsicles in the freezer from my stepmom’s trip to Thailand in 2013! And we’ve moved twice with these buggers!

In the Higher Learning podcast, Lindsay actually refers to Harrison’s comment about the discussions they’ve had and said that it wasn’t a surprise to her that he thought like this, but that he would put it out there for all to see like this.

It is difficult to put in to words how utterly insane that Harrison interview was so I can only recommend watching it.

Wasn’t the old southern butter cooking lady briefly cancelled for this exact same bullshit before 2018?

Claiming something wasn’t identifiable as racism on a different date is a false narrative in both cases. I’m talking about Chris Harrison’s defense - you know, the actual thing the article was about. Claiming in 2018, we didn’t know better is equivalent to claiming that filmmakers in the 1940's didn’t know they were

It is difficult to put in to words how utterly insane that Harrison interview was so I can only recommend watching it. Also the Higher Learning podcast, which is cohosted by Rachel Lindsay who did the interview in question, does a good job in explaining certain decisions and context of it.

No, everyone knew except for racists. That’s the point.

I always think of “Song of the South” when I hear these kinds of defenses. That is a film that people LOVE to jump on the “well, it wasn’t considered racist back then.” And it’s like no, it was. Read the criticism from the time. Read about what some of the people who worked on it thought. It was racist then just like

It’s so wild to me because it seems that when dumbasses say stuff like “No one cared about racism in 2018! Getting mad at white people for having antebellum themed parties or doing blackface or getting married on plantations is 2021 energy!”... they really mean it. They are so insulated from black people that they

Yeah, it was amazing - just wished I'd managed to be more eloquent (I got to speak to Doug Adams as well, the guy who literally wrote the book on LOTR music as well as the linear notes - I managed a human conversation with him). I missed the last tube back to the train station so had to pay an extortionate amount for

This. Exactly this.

Now playing

If I see one second of the charge of the Rohirrim, I have to watch the whole thing. Partly because I remember sitting in that dark theater experiencing the payoff from two and a half movies to earn that moment. The solemn quiet of exhausted riders cresting the hill and rallying to do what they came for. Beleaguered