
Seconded. As questionable as his behavior has been, I can’t help but wonder how I would’ve handled it if I had been thrown into a) stardom, and b) a role I’d forever be typecast as before I was even a teen. Hopefully he and the other Bayside alums can find a way past lingering animosity.

Agreed. By most accounts the guy’s a jerk, but nobody deserves this kind of prognosis.

That’s terrible. I can’t stand the guy, and he is by most accounts a loathsome douchebag, but I would never wish cancer on...almost anyone.

Cancer doesn’t get to take Screech before he redeems himself. Zach’s gonna freeze time for this one.

I still don’t get the gall of Hannity and Tucker Carlson trying to paint themselves as the champions of the everyman, because Cooper’s mom was a Vanderbilt. Carlson is heir to the Swanson frozen food empire, which basically makes him the Vanderbilt of the Florida panhandle.

Jewish guy in the same crowd as neo-nazis is near peak cognitive dissonance.

Ariel Pink is a very talented individual with a solid catalogue and the label made the right decision by dropping him. If I had the choice the remove every Trump supporting colleague from my workplace I would do it in a heartbeat, no matter how talented they are.

Not a shock, really. Ariel Pink has been spending the past few years crying that “everyone is suddenly trans and bi and queer” (even though he’s been milking the fact that he thinks of himself as “genderless” for all that’s worth in interviews for years) and that he’s glad he was bullied in school because it built his

The worst lies tend to stick, so "viscous lie" should probably be an actual term.

Obviously fake news. The only thing that human-frog hybrids like Hannity eat at Olive Garden are the flies.

This is both a valid point, and a misinterpretation of what Anderson Cooper said. I think he meant that after the armed invasion of the US Capitol, these folks would be going back to extremely normal experiences like eating at an Olive Garden and staying at a Holiday Inn as though they hadn’t committed acts of extreme

A lot of the identified mob that stormed the Capitol were either rich dudes, the failsons of rich dudes, or regular middle to upper-middle class dudes with regular jobs. Let’s not continue this narrative that the conservatives appeal to lower class white America, and that liberals are elites, anymore.

The really fun bunch are the ones in your #2 that also collect some kind of check or benefit that comes from the government (disability, food assistance, rent assistance, etc.) and simultaneously bitch about all the <some racist term for non-white people> on welfare.

fuller name = Via Gonna Getty Arrested Soon

Don’t fuck with Lucy Lawless.

In the divorce of my childhood TV heroes I wanna live with Mom, Dad became a douchebag. Now I need to know more about the origins of Peanut as insult...

Just wait until my friend AP Photo hears about this!

His full name is Via Getty Arrested.

That ComicCon reunion is gonna be awkward.