
You forgot the fart and basically every judge telling him to fuck off. The man has had a legendary two months.

I’ll put in a vote for Kanye’s holographic spectre of Kim Kardashian’s dad, and the time it takes out of talking about watching over the family to praise Kanye’s genius.

Absolutely. I really think Rowling’s issue is a boatload of generational ignorance and resistance to anything contrary to her worldview, as well as a perceived threat to her personal identity as a woman. That latter thing is insane too, considering that there are countless dynamics to the aspects of cisgendered

Yeah, I haven’t seen the new Borat movie, but I can’t imagine anything in it is as funny as the Four Seasons Landscaping press conference or that crazy drunk lady he wheeled out later. Plus the leaking brain ooze, constant butt-dialing of the press, the constant look of surprise and pained confusion on his face, dude

She’s made claims that there’s a notable amount of people who transition so they don’t have to come out as gay.”

Man, you either don’t know how to read or you hit your head, because none of that matches what Rowling’s written. She’s done the classic slippery slope of “if trans people can use gendered bathrooms, anybody can-including molesters!!!” She’s made claims that there’s a notable amount of people who transition so they

Parler turned out to be inconsequential.

Well he will be at noon on January 20th.

I would think the worse thing about the internet this year is the creation of Parler and how its become a true hive of scum and villiany. What a shitshow that place has become: https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/

I was very happy to read this list in the form of a list rather than slides. 

I don’t even know where to start with that. His actions were public knowledge...that she reported on. It’s not hearsay, or a gut feeling. And he wasn’t just a passive enabler on the sidelines, which is a lot easier to justify with the whole “everyone does it” line of reasoning. This guy chose to directly make it

bUt mAh AmEriCaN dReAm oF iNfiniTe RiCheS aT aNy cOsT tO sOcieTy!

I don’t think anyone with no self-esteem sets up a photo shoot for themselves in designer dresses, like the one she did for the article. In fact, the article indicates that she’s a lot more like Shkreli than you’d expect, in the way she’s angry at publishers and her former employer for not letting her tell her story,

Sorry could you speak up it’s sort of hard to hear anything at the moment....I’m grinding a wu-tang album I bought on Auctions.gov for fifty cents down to powder.

how can they expected to do the right thing when (1) the pharma lobbyists pay SO well and (2) the foundation of conservative politics is “I got mine, fuck you if you’re too weak or unlucky to have gotten yours”?

A love story for our time (that time being 2020)

This was the bit that got me:

You guys aren’t seeing the silver lining of this story: ANYONE is attractive. So if you’re morbidly obese or have zero self-esteem, don’t fret! You too will find a partner, because you’re better than Martin Shkreli, and he found love. And on top of his loathsome qualities as a human being, remember she fell in love

If she close enough to kiss him, then she was close enough to punch him. How can anyone resist punching that face? He is somehow a combination of smug middle-schooler and lecherous old man.

“Why would you jack up the price of medications?!”