
The fun thing about Cyril is that while he is competent, he very easily slips into arrogance and ruins it all by himself.

I enjoyed the episodes but I’m also completely stuck on the fact that AJ wasn’t mentioned even once. I kind of got the feeling that Archer would actually put energy into being a good father, given his fatherless upbringing. But to have him wake up after three months and not even once inquire about his daughter, nor to

Just give me Archer and Pam getting married and being “happy” ever after. That’s all I ask.

I’m also glad we’re back in the real Archer Universe instead of Dreamland. And I like that Archer has to find a way to reintegrate himself into the team, which has actually become a cohesive one in his absence.

Subjectively & objectively speaking it’s because their catalogue is full of bops haha

It is weird that they piped in applause for the Gaga performance. Her mask was cool and the intro was interesting. I also liked taking advantage of the fact that it was pre-taped to do things like change clothes. However, that choreography was not good. It seemed like Gaga was just flailing her arms around.

There’s no shortage of shape-hate and height-hate these days, either.

White supremacy and related ideologies had hundreds of years to sink in. People are getting generally better at recognizing personal prejudice and racism, but we all have a long way to go to undo the racist assumptions that are embedded in many institutions. 

This new generation of rappers seem to love anime (Naruto in particular) I imagine they were introduced to the genre from Toonami.

Maybe everything was totally safe

I don’t even OWN an MTVs!

Now playing

I had completely forgotten about Toonami’s long history of motivational speeches. Looking those up on Youtube is one of the few rabbit holes I haven’t minded falling down:

Oh man, I can just imagine all the 13-24 SQW’s losing their freaking minds because CN dared to “force politics down their throats”.

Where do you live because I’d like to move there.

I actually agree, but I just wanted to post because of the “You can’t say the Hangover isn’t funny” line. Like, why not? Humor is subjective except that much like Mel Brooks “Tragedy is me stubbing my toe. Comedy is you falling into a manhole cover and dying”

I also thought that it was refreshing to watch a tv show where the main female character had - you know - friends and was actually attempting to live a healthy, balanced life. The insistence on dating a slew of white men like that just got old so fast.

For what it’s worth, I’ve always enjoyed The Mindy Project for the humor; this show may be the champion of one-liners, in my book. But apart from that, yes, the plotting and character development have been mostly uninspiring and underdeveloped in the show’s latter run, and this finale was no different. Bringing Danny

Overall I have enjoyed this show. I like how the character of Mindy is so blunt and seems so comfortable with herself. I feel like Mindy the actress, really did a job portraying a young women, who could not be pigeonholed. Who was not super thin, and always dieting. Who embraces food, that was always fun and just

The end with Danny felt a lot like ‘well, we showed this guy changing into a complete dick instead of just a bit of one, but we haven’t managed to develop another character as a love interest for Mindy and the show’s ending now, so here!’ Which, yeah, but I honestly would have preferred Mindy ending up alone rather

It’s a shame that the last two seasons of this show were lackluster. This episode didn’t even feel like a series finale. But I did love most of the series even though I wasn’t a fan of the villianization of Danny. And on the plus side, my childhood church in Greenpoint, Brooklyn was used for the Church exterior shots!