
I cannot let this episode slide without doing a shoutout for the scene in Molly's apartment where she and Kelli are singing about gettin' on the dance floor and then Issa flips to Molly gettin' ready. I legit rewatched that scene, specifically Issa's face, like four (ten) times. The look on Molly's face when she

I understand where you're coming from. I had a similar reaction as you when I saw the two women approach Lawrence outside the grocery store. I think, at least from this comment section, people were of two minds when they saw those women. My mind immediately focused on their "whiteness" or "white presentation", and

i can't remember the name, but the vox podcast cited a study about the profits of venture capitol companies that are managed by men who have daughters instead of sons. Basically the study found that companies that are managed by men who had daughters tended to have more gender parity. They also found that those

the thing that really gets me about this guy's 10 page essay is that it's completely unnecessary, at least concerning google. anyone, especially this guy, who does a basic cross section of the google workforce by gender and department would find that women are nowhere near represented in the engineering department at

upthread someone posted this link to raise funds for the murdered victim of the rally. they claimed it was legitimate https://disq.us/url?url=htt…

someone explain how this is what it looks like to get tough with NK because that's what I'm hearing from many people on the right. Like the chinese foreign minister said, China is the one that will suffer the most from the economic sanctions, right after NK. America is not really sacrificing anything to put economic

Swift's team is also arguing that the radio station was planning to fire the DJ anyway, even before the groping situation allegedly took place, so Swift should not be held liable for his lost profits.

I don't remember everything else, but the guy has also "accidentally" destroyed three pieces of potentially key evidence and the judge in the case has censored him for his reckless behavior. His story is also some sketchy explanation that basically amounts to "I fell in your direction and your butt broke my hand's

RIP to you sir. Because of musicians like you, country music has something to hang its hat on.

seriously? you can't access kinja through firefox on a mac?

the alliteration is doing my head in. it's a level of pretense worthy of the liberal hipsters they claim to hate

I'm mad at myself that I'm even hesitating to make a switch to bing. Damn you google!

I think you're right. The review I think also touches on the role of respectability politics, especially in the black community, and the unique pressure that black women feel to "advance the race", "hold down our black men", not be another statistic etc. There's a middle ground between loving/expressing your race and

I'm no expert on the books so this is just my guess. Jaime's feelings for Cersei, at this point, are probably extremely complicated. He still loves her but probably doesn't trust her. He knows that she probably shouldn't have power but he sees himself as the one to reign her in and also support her in the name of

I'll join the chorus in praising Chad. For me he's one of the most interesting male characters I've seen in awhile because, on one hand, he gets women, especially black women, in a way that few men do (he freaking knows Mane N'Tail !!), but he also really doesn't get women. The dude has so little shame in the way he

I still love this show but the reduced episode order challenges the adage that brevity is the soul of wit. The show feels like it has little to none of the subtle build up play or the great dialogue that it used to be famous for. I'm not blaming the show since we know that it no longer has the books to go off of; it's

as much as I wanted danny and mindy to end up together, danny literally got married at the end of the previous season, and mindy is supposedly in a really great, mature relationship with ben. what 's the point of bringing danny back to do anything but co parent? it'd be total whiplash to put them together now.

I think it actually is an effective critique for Trump because he goes
out of his way to make himself seem like a macho alpha male who only
believes in military defense and tax cuts for the rich. There's a pretty
healthy overlap between guys who are too cowardly to actually serve
their country and guys who can talk

It was a good movie but it didn't reinvent the genre or satisfy any outstanding desire that movie audiences have long nurtured the way wonder woman did. Still, I like when films get rewarded for taking chances and responding intelligently to criticism. I give SPH a big thumbs if only for producing a movie that

the tv version of brienne didn't start out loving jaime either, but people love them together anyway. and when I say pairing i don't mean that they have to be together; I just like the idea of brienne interacting with someone who was immediately attracted to her for all the reasons that others mocked her.