
This seems plausible. It would be a nice way to end the Jaime/Brienne saga. I will be supremely pissed though if they kill tormund off screen andor if they don't give Tormund/Brienne more scenes together. Whether they meant to or not, the writers have raised my expectations for this pairing to the point where they

That's why I'm worried. Why build on their interactions together if you're just going to separate them for long periods of times and possibly kill Tormund someplace far from Brienne? It would be cruel (at least to some viewers) and unnecessary for the plot, which at this point, they can't afford to waste. It just

Exactly. I found sheeran's singing too modern for the time period that he's supposed to be in. It would have been a welcome surprise if they'd played him against type by making him sing poorly or letting someone else sing lead while he makes a bawdy joke, or anything else. I will say that visually he looked like he

Not at all. I felt sure that the little flirty subplot we saw last season would be a one-off, and that the show would go back to vaguely hinting at a brienne/jaime pairing, which bummed me out. I don't know if the scene with them this episode means that they might have a future, but I am so glad that we got to stay

you made me belly laugh with this comment. thank you

I'm equal parts happy and weirded out by how may youtube celebs were in attendance at the finale. I'm not sure if this is a sign that the show is aware of how popular youtube is or if they just needed some celebrity presence for the finale, and just settled for internet personalities.

like the walking dead

this may or may not convince you, but I found it funny because of how committed winter green was to her character. She just kept giving kesha these odd looks that were taunting but also just reserved enough that you didn't feel that it was confrontational. She was daring kesha to continue to try to give her well

i needed to read this.

basically after Chris kills Anna, his gf, two police officers exit from a police car and arrest. In the next scene, Chris's friend is visiting him in prison, and they're having a conversation in the visitors' booth. His friend wants him to recount the details of the story again so that he can mount an appeal but Chris

I have no doubt that someone has pointed this out in the comments, but isn't this the same palm beach florida house that ailes bought in cash to protect his assets from any potential lawsuits? yeesh, the irony.

that sex scene was HAWT. we should all be so lucky to go from "no sex before marriage" to sex with ripped telenovela stars (RIP michael always, though).

rapid homophobia with a dash of fake news media bashing

if you watch the video on the youtube website beware the comments section….even more than you normally do, that is.

wish i could upvote this more than once

you're right. they just have clips from the episodes on the website. if you have roku, sling, directv now, or playstation vue they apparently have the option to livestream if you pay for their basic package. sorry. I'm just gonna stick with the clips myself.

check the fusion website, fusion.net. I'm in the US and I can see all the episodes so far on the site

I can't interpret the last five minutes for the life of me. Does she really want to be with Ben or not? Are Anna and Jeremy really endgame after everything that Jeremy has been through - really, just like that? Ben, Mindy and their children respectively do look great , but they feel forced. like an overreaction to

This latest episode is the first one in a long while that felt like a chore to get through. I have no idea how strongly Mindy Kaling actually feels about race relations in the US, but this episode felt like the PSA episode that every show in the 80s and 90s had to put out to prove that they cared about social issues.

That's almost exactly how it worked in Kentucky, of all places. Obamacare goes by Kentuckycare in that state, and wouldn't you know, they reduced the percentage of people without health insurance to 7.5% from 20% two years earlier. However Kentucky's new republican governor may have different plans. http://www.npr.org/