
Seriously. Take Silver Linings Playbook. If her husband died a bit ago, they were married for a few years, were engaged for say, a year, dated for a year or two before that, she must have been fucking 15 when she met him.

Do you have actual statistics that make comparisions between monogamous straight white people and polyamouros straight white people? Otherwise you seem to be saying things that effect gay people specifically already are worse if you date more, and that bigamy should then be legal as I would also not get bereavement

No. Polyamory is not equivalent to being in an interracial relationship or being gay. Get out with that nonsense.

Yep. One sex partner is all I need/want. I’ve got television to watch.

Dude same. Relationships are hard work and exhausting and I truly cannot imagine having the energy to sustain more than one at a time.

Pretty much I just find the desire to be with more than one person to be odd I don’t think it’s wrong or bad just odd.

Any extra time or energy I have goes into making my wife as happy as I can. Just the thought of an additional relationship makes me want to curl up and go to sleep.

So, I have dabbled in the “lifestyle” as the magical, single woman, and I have yet to meet more than one couple that was well adjusted about their situation. There was ALWAYS a lot of preaching about how they were evolved and trusting as a couple... until it came time for the bedroom. Then you see that there is almost

I think that reducing monogamy to jealousy is pretty superficial.

I don’t go to slutt but I do find this lifestyle very odd and can’t really wrap my head around it unfortunately.

I just don’t get the polyamory deal maybe it’s because I just assume the worst in people so I don’t think people can do something like this successfully without devolving into jealousy, or one person ending up far more into the sleeping around than the other.

Gypsy is an ethnicity, like Romnichel and Roma. They are similar in culture to each other and to travellers. White people do think it is a slur. Gypsies say it with pride. (Husband serves local Gypsy community frequently in his work.)

yeah. it’s pretty hilarious to hear complaints about men coming off as one-dimensional compared to the women. life is so hard

Misandry isn’t actually a Thing, you know that right?

It must be SO HARD for men to have to see themselves portrayed in a less than favorable light.

Then why don’t you go to an article about TV shows that are about misandry instead of toxic masculinity? I think your point would carry more weight, no?

Pretty sure men can control toxic masculine behaviors by...not engaging in them.

First season was great, but now Gwendoline Christie is in it. So it’s automatically 1000x better

Her name is Elisabeth Moss, not Elizabeth Moss.

Yes. Another season. Elizabeth Moss is a fantastic actor, honestly blew my mind in the first season. Loving her in Handmaid. When I watched the first few episodes of season 1 and had to find out who the director was and of course it was Jane Campion. Can’t do wrong with Jane. Alright, I’m done gushing.