
If you really cared about the victims, you would say the name of the religion that fueled the fanatic who killed them: Islam.

What was terrorist’s political leanings?

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. The police didn’t know the race of the shooter at the time of the incident. And, it wouldn’t have mattered since the protocol is to stand down and negotiate. I hope that changes. Its such an extra heartbreak that so many could have been saved had they gone in earlier.

I thought he was the King of the Belgians, not King of Belgium.

It is a gradual process, which has so far led to the country being split into 3 federal states with some degree of independence. There are some Flemish nationalists who are pushing for full independence, but they have gotten quieter in recent years. So, I think it’s unlikely to happen. But, you never know.

she found the “representation of female characters on film” to be “disturbing.” Chastain offered as a partial anecdote including more female-directed films in next year’s Cannes selection.

Actually, France has a pretty sweet Navy. And actually, D-Day would’ve been more of a clusterfuck than it already was without the French Resistance. And actually, we would not have won the American Revolution, the War of 1812 or the Civil War without French intervention. Also actually, Charlemagne was kind of a big

I was in France not too long after 9/11. What i remember was that everyone was very kind . The worst were the people who pitied us for being American. Seriously that was the worst we faced. Just pity that our government was so awful. I went back a few years later and still found France a country of kind people. I also

Don’t dread it. Enjoy it. Show Italy that Americans are great by being yourself! The fact that you are travelling internationally at all and show an interest in another nation/ culture shows that you are interested in the world.

Remember when France literally was the reason America even exists? Or how she helped America in all of her wars until they were stupid ones so then Conservatives started talking sh** about them because they wouldn’t go fight a war for “weapons of mass destruction.”? That’s basically what you’re asking, “Hey guys

It will take a lot more than a new leader to make the USA anything but the worlds biggest terrorist entity. Respected? Not for thousands of years, you all have some serious atonement coming.

And more people are killed in car accidents than as victims of crime. And more people are killed by heart disease and cancer than all those combined. It’s human nature to be more interested in unusual things.

I remember when murrican patriots started calling french fries freedom fries, even tho the term is not about France. I remember idiots throwing out French wine that is better than much of ours cuz of frenchiness. I remember, idiots getting up in arms because how DARE another country have a different opinion than us.

What a shitty comment. I can not believe the amount of woman bashing going on here. If she was a democrats wife, we’d all be praising her for wearing what she wants and looking fabulous. Hate her politics fine. But everyone on this thread is coming across as petty and stupid.

What makes you accuse Mme Macron of statutory rape? The age of consent is 15 in France, and I would be very surprised if she or her husband have told you when they first had sex.

Yes we did. A policeman was shot by a Muslim attacker just days before the French election.

Oh come on. Just stop. ISIS claimed responsability because it was a Islamic attack. When are you guys going to stop excusing Islam at every turn?? Are you really so blind? Or is it because you hate the right that you are refusing to call a spade a spade? And no calling it an Islamic terror attack isn’t racist, it is

You do realize atheists don’t like radical Islam too, right? A lot of people don’t.

You really should have thought before writing your post. Yes terrorists can be white, like no kidding dude. In the 70's, in Italy the Red Brigades killed hundreds of people. Ever heard of the ETA in Spain? The IRA in Ireland? All of these people are white. All these terrorist groups have stopped committing terrorist

Well, can you really blame them? I can’t. So-called progressives are partly responsible for this shit. Look at this thread where nobody is capable of calling a spade a spade: this was a Muslim terrorist attack. Constantly giving Islam a pass, constantly turning a blind eye to the very problematic aspects of Islam gets