
Yes we did. A policeman was shot by a Muslim attacker just days before the French election.

Tell me: how many Muslims have been killed since the beginning of Islamic attacks? How many? So there was the shooting in Montréal. Right. That’s it. Compare that to the hundreds of victims due to those terrorist attacks and I think your “aftermath” is going to be really peaceful. There is no revenge from westerners.

Oh come on. Just stop. ISIS claimed responsability because it was a Islamic attack. When are you guys going to stop excusing Islam at every turn?? Are you really so blind? Or is it because you hate the right that you are refusing to call a spade a spade? And no calling it an Islamic terror attack isn’t racist, it is

You really should have thought before writing your post. Yes terrorists can be white, like no kidding dude. In the 70's, in Italy the Red Brigades killed hundreds of people. Ever heard of the ETA in Spain? The IRA in Ireland? All of these people are white. All these terrorist groups have stopped committing terrorist

Well, can you really blame them? I can’t. So-called progressives are partly responsible for this shit. Look at this thread where nobody is capable of calling a spade a spade: this was a Muslim terrorist attack. Constantly giving Islam a pass, constantly turning a blind eye to the very problematic aspects of Islam gets

You obviously have no experience of bullying then. No it’s not about perception. And sure let’s all feel sorry for the poor bullies, not their victims. Boo-hoo.

Are you really surprised by the French bashing and the idiotic comments? I’m not. Happens everytime there’s an article about France. Or about Europe for that matter.

Nope. Quite the opposite. Almodovar is completely right: you are supposed to go see a movie in a movie theater, not on your computer/phone. The anti-intellectualism you’re displaying doesn’t reflect good on you.

4 months is not accurate. I’ve never seen a movie stay 4 months in a theater. And there are more or less 250 to 300 French movies produced each year. Yep the French movie industry is very prolific. Almost like the American one it seems.

Yeah how dare French people protect their movie industry! How dare French people dare to do something that’s different from Americ! And no French film makers aren’t losing money over this law. You know what kind of movies are streamed illegally in France? The big American blockbusters, not the smaller French movies.

Come on, people in the comments are simply commenting on assholes texting at movie theaters. Nobody is saying this guy is not the worst.

Uh no. Because she texted in a movie theater. If you do that shit you’re an asshole. Obviously the guy is a creep. But people who text in a theater are just NO.

Why are you even looking at your fucking phone while you’re in a theater dude? You’re the asshole here. Put down your phone for two hours. If you can’t do that, then it’s time to go see somebody because you have an addiction.

So instead of a wonderful movie about lesbians (you know, the tiny minority nobody cares about) with a happy ending you prefer a movie about some sad lesbian who preys on a teacher who sleeps with her student? Ok. Let me guess: you’re straight.

I’m not surprised AT ALL by this.

I think this poly lifestyle sounds exhausting. When do these people have the time to date all these other people? Do they do anything else besides dating? I agree with you that it’s odd. I have a girlfriend and I don’t want anybody else but her.

I saw the movie on Monday. It was AWFUL. Like the worst movie I’ve seen in 2017 and this is only May. I walked out of there after one hour because it was so bad. Guy Ritchie is a terrible director. Honestly if you want to lust after Charlie Hunnam there are much better projects of his to watch.

All the therapists I’ve seen have used the word “patient” instead of “client” which annoyed me since they’re not doctors (none of them were psychiatrists) and I’m not ill.

Huh there ARE therapists who take advantage of their clients. Just because you’re an ethical therapist doesn’t mean all are. I actually think it’s good to depict a bad therapist because there are so many bad therapists out there. Like, so many. It’s a good thing that people who need help approach therapy with

plus-sized? Why use so many ridiculous euphemisms? She’s morbidly obese and will probably die at 45 if she’s lucky. It’s ridiculous to act like she’s just a couple pounds overweight.