
What should the West do exactly? Are you proposing a military intervention in Nigeria? Headed by whom? The US? Really? That’s called interference and Nigeria would strongly oppose it.

Lol so I guess Mélanchon deserves a medal for not endorsing Le Pen. Man, you are really something. And what do you make of Mélanchon’s fascination with Russia and horrible dictatorships? Yes the far-left is excatly as dangerous as the far-right actually: clueless, extreme and short-sighted.

Melanchon is a fucking asshole and deserves to rot in hell for equating Macron and Le Pen. He basically suggested to his supporters to abstain or to vote blank and of course many of them did. Fuck him and fuck them.

Look, first that’s not true and also nobody in France gives a fuck. His private life is well, private.

If you read beyond your outrage, you’d see that I’ve thanked millcity for her informed comment.

Ok thanks for your explanation. You were courteous and polite which is more than I can say about other posters. You provided much needed context. Thanks again.

You don’t know any of these Somali parents and you are assuming a shit ton about them. They aren’t children without any means of information. The internet exists. They behaved like idiots and that’s what they are: idiots.

Um really? So Somalis are somehow puppets who can’t think for themselves? If these were white parents, I’m sure you woudn’t be saying this. You would call them fucking idiots which is what those Somali parents are: fucking idiots. Let’s all take our responsabilities here.

Well that’s a relief.

First of all, Scientology is a cult, not a religion. Both are awful but they’re not the same thing. Also, are you seriously saying that we cannot criticize religions? Really? In a secular democracy, it is our right as well as our duty to criticize religions because they’re hugely problematic and because nothing is

There was only ONE white woman in the ad linked in the article, the rest of them were black. I don’t understand what you’re talking about and I find this “controversy” ridiculous. What’s stopping black women from using the same products they’ve been using for years? It’s like you want to be outraged about the most

It became normal when every week there was another Islamist terrorist attack in France. I hate Marine Le Pen but she’s sorta right about immigration and particularly about muslim immigration (she’s wrong about eveything else) so I’m not suprised she got so many votes.

lol his French is TERRIBLE. He has a super thick accent I can barely understand what he’s saying.

Let me guess: you’re straight. You think you’re being so progressive right now but you are not. You are simply dismissing the issue of visibility and coming out for LGBT people.

Uh there are no concentration camps in Russia where gay men are being tortured. Homosexuality is not even illegal in Russia. And yes the fact that Chechnya is a muslim region plays a HUGE part. Directly from The Guardian: “In Chechnya’s ultra-traditional society, based on strong codes of family and clan allegiance as

Sandi Toksvig is amazing. I’m really looking forward to this new Bake Off. Just for her.

Accoring to trans activists, penis can be female and vagina can be male. This is the world we live in.

THIS. Thank you. Of course a trans woman is acting like a entitled hateful male derailing a conversation about FGM by making it all about penis. Because that’s what they are: male. It’s so telling.

You are awful. Just awful. And the fact that 35 people (so far) have starred your comment is what is wrong with this place. The article talks about a horrible thing that’s being done to women’s genitals. And of course you make it all about you and your penis. Classic trans bullshit.

A troll isn’t someone you disagree with, you know. Get your head out your ass seriously.