
This place is insane. People here immediately assume “white man” whenever there’s a shooting, they refuse to acknowledge that Islamic terrorism is a thing and when a black muslim woman is found dead, they immediately go for conspiracy theories even though everything points to a suicide.

You have zero evidence but sure keep assuming nonsense.

Stop this. Just stop.

I’ll be sure to make jokes when there’s a terrorist attack on the US soil. I mean, isn’t this SO funny?

Where is the mistreatment of Muslims happening exactly? Tell me. Can you imagine if terrorist attacks committed by non Muslims were occuring in muslim countries? There would already be pogroms against any non muslims. Actually, no need for terrorist attacks to happen, look at the way Chrstians in the Middle East are

I perfectly remember that after the Nice attack, many commenters here were saying that the French were responsible, that they somehow deserved to have 89 of their citizens killed (and dozens injured) because their immigration system wasn’t perfect. This is LITERALLY what people were arguing. It was unbelievably

Russians were killed in Saint Petersburg and apparently Jezebel has decided that we’re supposed to hate Russians. So they don’t give it a shit. I’m suprised they are even covering the attack in Stockholm considering we all know this is a islamic attack.

FFS. We all know that this was a terrorist attack. And we all know this was a Islamic terrorist attack. Every week this is happening in Europe, every fucking week.  

So if you don’t like Master of None, you’re racist, is that what you’re saying? Well, that’s not extreme at all.

I don’t know whether you’re being intentionally obtuse or if you really are that clueless. In any case, I give up.

No problem :-)

I have zero issue with women sleeping with whoever they want, I just object to the fact that they call themselves “lesbian” when they are not in fact gay. That’s all. And no I’m not looking for the term “gold star” I don’t like that term. I’ve slept with men in the past. The difference is, I never called myself “gay”

He’s an undeserving ungrateful douche. When I think about all those ACTUAL writers who could have won instead of him, I’m really pissed.

Your friends don’t exactly represent lesbians as a whole. And again, they were not lesbians, just confused or sleeping with women as an experiment (which is bad enough) or whatever. I know plenty of gay women and trust me, they are not sleeping with men, they’re actually gay and will stay that way. I’m a bit defensive

Jezebel desperately needs a lesbian on their staff. But all we get is a gay dude. I agree with you that Amy’s character is obviously bisexual, not gay. Trust me, lesbians DO NOT like this movie because it reinforces the idea that lesbians sleep with men and that they like dick. Lesbians are the first to point out that

Well those “gay women” were not gay then. They were bisexual all along. It’s really not that complicated: lesbian = no sleeping with men.

The fact is the character calls herself a lesbian which is all kinds of problematic. She is in fact bi.

Yeah it’s YET another “lesbian who sleeps with men” trope. The idea that lesbians deep down like dick and they only need to meet the right man to be cured of their lesbianism. Fucking hell. And apparentely nobody in this Jez article has an issue with that? It’s all about “sexual fluidity”? If she sleeps with men,

You clearly have way too much time on your hands. About TIFF: I didn’t respond because I usually don’t bother. And because I had other stuff to do. Like you should too btw.

Yep. One asshole priest said something stupid but apparently it’s the whole of Italy that is responsible for this nonsense. Countless of idiots say idiotic things everyday in every country. But Jezebel decided to make a post about this particular priest for some reason.