
Gawd, you’re one of those far left conspiracy nuts. Do you also defend Chavez and Maduro? Hezbollah? Hamas? Don’t you guys realise you’re the left-wing equivalent of the Holocaust deniers on the right? Were you Bernie or bust, too?

Fuck her, wile I believe her treatment in prison was terrible she still deserves to be in there. 

Well given how the Swedish authorities decided to put through 5 charges and put out an arrest warrant clearly they felt there was enough there to justify a case going forward.

She got off lightly compared to pretty much anybody.

I honestly think a lot of the praise is coming from people who believe they need to approve of every fashion choice a morbidly obese person makes in order to seem positive and accepting. Secretly, they probably also don’t think she (or the dress) look all that great.

I understand where you are coming from, but there are people who have committed suicide after being raped (usually because of a lack of support and various other reasons). I don’t like the idea that they ‘gave up’. We, as in society, failed them. Even if we take the idea that they failed to overcome their

Spoiler alert: they’re just dead. It’s the end.

What would you have them do? Invade Nigeria? Because the world needs another war...

I don’t think anyone is saying the far left is evil. What they are saying is the segment of the far left that decided to abstain is either really fucking privileged or naive. Ideals are good, but when faced between a literal neonazi and a bland, centrist neoliberal you should do anything in your power to make sure the

I thought this show did a good job at showing the insidiousness of rape culture- how men and women both become complicit and desensitized from practically the onset of puberty and how they internalize it into adulthood so that even the “trustworthy” adults fail to give compassionate aid to people in crisis.

I’m totally befuddled. There are similar situations happening all over the world, and we are not even apprised of them. Compared to all of the human rights abuses happening in myriad countries, we certainly do know and care about the Nigerian schoolgirls. Who hasn’t heard of Boko Haram?

I hear you, but it’s important to note that Nigerian women’s groups did not want us to help in the way you are describing. This (meaning international negotiations), and things like capacity-building assistance for local efforts including counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism as well are the most

Caucasians (and Desi, for that matter) are foreigners in Nigeria. Boko Haram is interested in increasing its numbers and force, vastly. This is a Nigerian issue: I find it slightly odd to even mention Caucasians in regard to this? With all due respect, not everything is about “the West” (though in the case of

Félicitations au peuple français. Vous avez vaincu. Vous avez encore une fois dit NON à la haine, la peur et la division. Espérons que Macron et la classe politique en général ne vous décevront pas au point que dans 5 ans ils ne vous poussent à envoyer MLP à l’Elysée. Une sacrée progression du FN quand même en 15 ans.

All I can wonder is how many of these girls and young women must be pregnant and/or have babies or toddlers now.

Turnout may have been low by French standards, but a 65% turnout would be considered amazingly high here in the USA.

Ohhhh my god shutttuuppppp nobody cares about how big your military dick is America, not everything is about youuuuu.

Yes, he told them that after a couple of days during which time he basically equated the two.

I was just telling my husband that I would absolutely have had the same opinion as you if I hadn’t been totally immersed in this problem for the last few years. On the surface, it does seem infantilizing to think a refugee community can’t “think for themselves,” but this is a very difficult case, and it’s not really