
Unfortunately, that oversimplifies this particular situation. I work in vaccine advocacy in the Twin Cities, and the Somali population is at a real disadvantage when it comes to parsing out information regarding autism, which is “new” to them. Many of them tell us they had never seen autism before coming to this

These people aren’t children without the ability to reason or without access to information and facts.

I don’t. If you’re smart enough to get out of a third world country, you’re smart enough to understand how vaccination works no matter what some shithead tells you.

Fuck all these people who don’t have their children vaccinated. That they’d rather their children potentially die from a disease that’s been all but stamped out entirely, a disease that is 100% preventable given proper herd immunity, all because of the boogeyman that autism has become. They’d much rather have a kid

All the dignified actresses who are held up as examples of aging beautifully have had plastic surgery, except maybe Charlotte Rampling. But Meryl, Helen and Judi have all had very tasteful work done. I bet Sarandon has, too, but I can’t put a finger on what. Maybe she has great genes plus some non-surgical procedures

A friend of mine is in her 60s and just had a neck/jaw lift done. She was beautiful before, but it makes her happy and more confident, and the work is very subtle and well done. I’ve always had deep-set hooded eyes, and might consider a small lift if my lids droop any further. At 35 I’m starting to see them!

I have, in real people who’ve gotten one procedure (a few boob jobs, a nose job, a tummy tuck, a hair transplant). I think this is something that’s mostly noticed when someone goes overboard. Most of the celebrities who you think of as being natural looking have probably had one or two procedures.

Whatever Susan Sarandon had done to look like she does at 70.

When it looks nice and isn’t overdone then nobody notices its there. I think ScarJo fixed her nose a little. Looks fantastic.

Meanwhile, I’m pretty sure they’ve cremated lots of people who “sinned”, like criminals, adulterers, divorcees, etc........and they were fine in taking their family’s money just because they were heterosexual. Nope, somehow it’s the quiet elderly gay couple who liked to garden together who are the real perverts to

What the utter fuck? Do these backwater hicks think that the gay is going to contaminate them somehow? He’s fucking dead for chrissake. Do your goddamn jobs.

You have to be a special kind of asshole to refuse funeral services to someone. I have heard of churches doing this, too. This person’s loved ones are experiencing soul-crushing grief. You don’t have to be the humanitarian of the year to show some compassion.

I remember once hanging out with my sister, her gf, and their friends, and they were looking at a picture in Vogue, and one of them was going on and on about how hot the girl looked, and I remember feeling kind of uncomfortable because she sounded just like a straight guy. ANd then I thought about it and the

Fun fact: The first instance of the term ‘paparazzi’ used for celebrity photographers is from the movie La Dolce Vita, by Fredrico Fellini.

Well, since you mention it, Steve Jobs was actually kinda responsible for his own death. He called himself a “fruitarian” and all that fructose (i.e. fruit sugar) over the years is what gave him cancer; furthermore, even though his cancer was caught early, he refused proper treatment in favor of alternative medicine.

Weirdly, the tire company started the restaurant guide as a way to get people to take road trips on Michelin tires.

Michelin only gives a maximum of three stars, Katy. GOSH!

I didn’t hear anything past “shrieking harpies.” Forgive me if I don’t take your frustrations seriously when you use terms like that unironically.

Everything she says sounds like they’re trying to appeal to anti-feminists. All this smacks of caution, the discourse centred around pre-empting criticism from #Notallmen and all the women who post pictures of themselves holding up signs explaining why they “don’t need feminism.”

The media and some of the stars did this to Moonlight, with them saying, “Isn’t this a HUMAN story?” As if it couldn’t be a black gay man’s story that moved us.