
Whenever her latest defense goes up (and she has been defending him for years), I just feel so sad. It’s the ostensible “I’m healed” surface, coupled with the obvious traumatized behavior. I respect her right to be as healed as she wants, but it can’t matter to the judiciary.

Frozen was so terrible I simply don’t understand why people liked it. The soundtrack was saccharin and the story was just awful.

It’s not that surprising that Le Pen and Mélenchon got the most votes. They might be far-left and far-right, but both are anti-globalization and isolationist.

I also don’t buy that exile was a punishment. He is from Europe originally and he still got to make movies.

It doesn’t matter that Europe has ages of consent between 14 and 18. He wasn’t in Europe when he raped her. Second, she was 13 years old, and I don’t believe any jurisdiction in the U.S. has an age of consent that low or did at the time he raped her. Third, he drugged her. Even if she were above the age of consent,

Not really. I dislike the idea of forgiveness necessarily being indicative of a greater emotional maturity. If she’s found closure through forgiveness, that’s fine for her personally, but it shouldn’t be forced on anyone. It’s a victim’s right to stay angry.

I always wonder this too. He can literally go everywhere else. I feel like he lucked out incredibly with much of the world refusing to extradite him, like take your chips and go home man. Jeez.

I would think that, beyond anything else, he’s guilty of skipping out on his sentence.

At what point do you draw the line? All of the Marathon Bomber’s fatal victims’ families forgave him - does that mean he shouldn’t have to serve the sentence given him by the law and a jury of his fellows? This man was convicted, is still a fugitive, and has still not served his sentence for either crime.

And the court should tell her that it appreciates her position and is happy that she seems to have come to terms with her assault and trauma. And then it should continue its pursuit of Polanski, who is a child rapist who spent the last 40 years living in luxury and adoration while having a family of his own and

Two things:

Merkel invited her because kissing Trump’s ass with meaningless gestures makes him very, very easy to manipulate.

The first (and only) question in my estimation is explain the audacity that you think you can sit on a panel with Angela Merkel or Christine Legarde. You have neither the expertise, education, leadership or intelligence of these women and yet here you are. Why are you not embarrassed by your mediocrity and lack of

This picture is everything.

Just a little Christine Lagarde fashion appreciation post:

That’s Christine Lagarde, MD of the IMF - previously Finance Minister of France, Minister of Economic Affairs, Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Trade. Ms Lagarde is a highly accomplished trade and labour lawyer on both sides of the Atlantic and completely fluent in English.

You are right! That is Christine Lagarde, and in addition to her myriad other accomplishments (like being head of the IMF), she is something of a power-dressing fashion icon; i.e. she probably has a great deal of disdain for Ivanka’s pathetic little ‘working women’ fashion line on top of everything else.

And French ones! A while ago I saw and interview with former prime minister Manuel Valls and they were GRILLING him on different topics. He was sweating bullets live on tv.

I fucking hate her guts. Worthless trash. I would have only enjoyed this more if she had burst into tears and ugly cried in front of everyone, but that would never happen because I’m pretty certain she’s a robot.