
I don’t see why black women are so incensed about the idea of one or two white women who find a product that works for their particular hair that the black women call to arms and boycott the company and the product that they admittedly have been using for years.

I get it, I just think it’s stupid because what’s the endgame? What is the result that you’re expecting to see from boycotting this company? What does this accomplish?

This isn’t appropriation. This whole controversy is a bundle of weirdness.

Not representing them? If I’m to understand this correctly, this company has been around for at least a few years, marketing and advertising exclusively to black women. They throw one or two lighter-skinned women in an ad or two and suddenly black woman feel *excluded*?

So let me get this straight. Black woman loved a product until they saw a lighter-skinned woman using it? And now they hate it?

Because all white women have stringy straight hair? Mine is very thick, very curly, to the point of being kinky certain days. If you want an answer to your question from this particular white woman (of swedish, german, and scottish descent), my hair will drink in whatever moisture i give it and thank me.

1.) While there are a number of trans women who begin to explore their gender identity through drag, very few drag performers identify as trans.

2.) Marsha/Malcolm struggled with figuring out his gender identity throughout his life but in the end (literally days before he died) told a reporter that he identifies as a

Is there a particular reason why people keep referring to Marsha P. Johnson as a transwoman?

I love this man too, but no, his french is not impeccable. But then I’m french, so I might be biased (as we are soooo proud of our language and all that).

Macron is relatively harmless and not hated by anyone (but people who would already vote for Le Pen). Of course some anti-capitalist won’t find it in themselves to vote for him (which I can understand) but most of even the far-left voters will find it more important to block xenophobia at its purest.

FFS Everybody keep the Holocaust out your goddamn mouths! Can we just talk about each tragedy in its own appalling rights without invoking concentration camps? We can feel people’s affliction without having to equate it to other disasters to garner empathy. It demeans both tragedies when everything is equated to the

Not an overcrowded refugee camp in Europe and thus not what Pope Francis was talking about? But good job trying to change the subject.

A very complicated and tragic situation. Not a concentration camp, however.

I was about to be the nicest I’ve ever been to a pope and almost wrote this off as an unfortunate translation issue (concentration as in “a group of something packed together”) that occurred somewhere down the line but nope, apparently he meant it as intended. Ugh. Just stop with Holocaust comparisons, everyone.

No kidding. What was the Battle of Stalingrad, a child’s tea party?

religion is a choice. being gay is not.

It’d be nice if he started to get exposed to and started to understand some of what he’s missing.

Oh heck yes. “Your sexuality is irrelevant” is the new “I don’t see colours.”

When LGBTQ+ people are no longer being widely under/misrepresented and being oppressed? Like I do GAF because I’m queer and 12 year old me would have really benefited from seeing positive queer representation at a young age other than literally just Ellen. Also how are going to say that a person being trans doesn’t