
The only difference being that Chechnya has a Muslim majority doing this.

Does that really absolve religion of all responsibility in the matter? Not a single Islamic country in the world supports LGBT rights to any meaningful extent. Any pro-LGBT Muslim community either exists in liberal non-Muslim countries or if they are in majority Muslim countries, they are virtually underground. To

Nope, sorry. Russia as a whole is very homophobic, but there is still a difference between treating someone with contempt, and kidnapping someone in order to torture them. Russia has openly gay celebrities, and until Putin started looking for a convenient scapegoat, Russian was making baby steps in the right

blame the racist hicks that rallied to vote trump into office all you want, but just know, people like you are equally responsible. it’s fucking insane to say “but christians do this too!” to deflect the atrocities that occur more often in this religion than in others.

if we get another 4 years of trump, i swear i’m

Keep making excuses for Islam, you piece of shit apologist. Chechnya is the only country in that region with torture cams for gay men, but for whatever reason, you’re hell-bent on downplaying it.

“Yup. Homophobia in the erstwhile USSR was quite rampant too (as was Anti-Semitism) and they were supposedly atheist.”

Why do you feel the need to constantly defend Islam? Were Muslims going to be persecuted if you didn’t jump in to remind everyone that Christians do it too? Oh, and please provide proof of these Christian concentration camps for gay people in Russia, because I haven’t heard of them.

yes it is worse, which is why i openly call out Islam the same way i openly call out christianity. you could have just called out islam at this particular instance but you had to tap dance around “christianity does this too!” until you got to “islamophobia.” wtf man, both can be bad, one can be measurably worse than

I would disagree. The spaces on the spectrum between Alabama, Russia, and Chechnya aren’t irrelevant just because you don’t want to seem anti-Islam.

What “granular level”? How is it going down to the granular level to say that the thing this article is talking about isn’t happening in Russia?

First of all, the rest of Russia is not sending gay people to camps, Chechnya is, so saying the entire country is like that is factually inaccurate.

Horrifyingly, that’s definitely the claim some rabid homophobes want to be making. I’ve seen comments attributed to certain leaders in Africa that are comparable.

Wait, I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make.

Marilyn Manson wishes he was Noel Fielding.

Don’t be mean to my goth boo Noel 😡

by which you mean she is an advocate for freedom and an opponent of brutality and murder. which is rightwing and racist and stuff only if you let it be.

women are always the gatekeepers because by giving them the power to enforce patriarchal norms at the expense of other women, they become easier to control because they have the illusion of agency.

Europeans are not heavily circumcised, and their dicks are ok, thanks for asking.

The same reason millions of women routinely vote for politicians who make no secret about their intentions to enact anti-woman policies. Patriarchy is a hell of a thing and women perpetuate it too.

Aid groups/NGOs working to combat it often state that it’s local women who are the hardest to convince, particularly grandmothers.