
wow so progressive!!! women are allowed to show some of their hair??? feminism wins!!!

Hot take: it’s fucking ridiculous to have a fashion magazine in a region where women are put to death for wearing the fashions. Like, there’s bigger stuff to do over there.

Maybe Abdulaziz was afraid she’d end up like Raudha Athif.

Nah. If that were even a possibility, Jezebel would have run with a big blaring headline like “Black Muslim Judge Totally, 100%, Completely , and Undoubtedly Killed By Racist Conservative Because Conservatives Are Racist”.

I can’t believe this got 74 stars (and counting).

Successful people commit suicide. Black people commit suicide. Muslim people commit suicide. The police obviously need to rule out every possibility of foul play. But based on this post we know nothing about her personal life, if she was suffering from depression, having financial problems, found out she had incurable

This is not terrorism.

it seems like the only time writers want to move a story forward they have to kill a minority. It’s lazy writing and i’m tired of it. Poussey died right around the time majority of on line viewers learned about just how many queer characters would be killed of a show, i didnt matter if it was a poorly written

Is it wrong that I am making the assumption in my head that the shooter is a man and the teacher is a woman?

Well, that’s what everyone here thought the last time there was a notable shooting in San Bernardino. But those folks were wrong.

there’s no way this line of logic could be applied to certain minority groups with ridiculous violent crime rates. /s

I don’t know. What does it prove? What would it change in the long run?

On Jezebel, a Troll can be anyone who doesn’t agree with the person’s opinion. Snowflakes get their feelings hurt really easily around these parts.

Crusaders? You fucking ISIS dummies. Copts have been in Egypt since before Islam existed. You were either Jewish or worshipping the sun at that point.

No, you know what’s sad and pathetic? The fact that you even consider Locomotive’s comment to be provocative. At this point, he’s just saying what any rational person would say. That GIF he posted is entirely accurate in each mockery of how liberals ALWAYS feel the need to defend Islam. Meanwhile, when some asshole

But by “trolls,” what do you mean exactly? Because criticizing Islam is not “trolling.”

You’re right, I’d definitely would hope that this attack was committed by some other group besides ISIS. Like some ordinary, moderate Egyptians. Or even a new fundamentalist cult. Whoever they may be, hopefully their name doesn’t include “Islam” in it!

The religion of pieces. Time for some great excuse-making from the white liberals of the world.

Wouldn’t ISIS claim responsibility for any terrorist attack?

Dear US,